Vitebsk Regional Library on September 6 last creative meeting "life - eternal off" with legndarnay vyprabavalnitsay pilots, and the fourth wife of Soviet cosmonaut Marina Popovich.
Marina Popovich visited Vitebsk as a judge of the World Championship, Europe and the Union State on weight lifting, which will be held on September 8 in Vitebsk. The meeting was also attended pilots second husband, Major General retired Air Boris Zhikharev .
Not reach the pedal ...
Total Regional Library reading room was full. True - there were very few young people. At the beginning of the meeting Popovich declared his love for the Belarusians and the fact that she is, in fact, our countrywoman, as born in 1931 in Veliskim area (former Vitebsk province).
The conversation was fascinating. At the age of 81 years, Marina Lavrentsevna and during intercourse is not hovering in the clouds, and spoke as if piletavala supersonic fighter. Hall often burst into applause in response.
She told me that she wanted to fly since childhood, "to avenge the Nazis" . But when growing up, the Nazis were gone, and the winged "the desire of heaven" is left for life. The path to the sky opened her own Voroshilov , who gave approval for exams when "there is relevant data" . Meanwhile, with the physical data had some issues - future pilots was low, 1 m 57 cm So the exams, she asked the general put a case to reach the pedals. He laughed. And cadets passed the exam on the "A +".
Alcohol from Antarctica for Belarusians
Popovich did a lot of joking. She remembered how her techniques later denied her, even inexperienced, "wasting" alcohol on aircraft bolts.
"Twenty tons of alcohol valued while 20 tons of kerosene" , - said Boris Zhikharev.
Topic alcohol suddenly surfaced later when Popovich told of the Milky Way. Like, scientists have recently shown that the Milky Way is enveloped with a cloud, which stretches the once billion kilometers. This cloud contains in its composition many ethanol.
"And I did not sleep the night, kept thinking how to get the alcohol out of the Milky Way. You know, the space begins in our latitudes, a hundred feet above the sea level. For example, I fly a plane not higher than 40 km. So, while in the Antarctic space begins at a height of 20 km. So there can be extracted from the alcohol space, " - laughing-vyprabavalnitsa pilots.
Recalled how learned to fly the MiG-21. Then it was called "Madame Moment", so Popovich became the first female pilots overcame this jet fighter sound barrier.
So, while in the Antarctic space starts at 20 km ...
The worst thing - the room of silence
"Queen of Heaven" would like to go to space and even took the commission: "There was a very high drop-out ... After the first test startle awake all night - jump up screaming. And the worst thing was - the room quiet. From this you can go crazy. Many could not resist. "
Commission passed, but said not a flight into space. Like, you have a child. Then the commission voiced several reasons. In practice it turned out that it was an order of Khrushchev, who wanted to space flew woman "from the plow." Finally flew Tereshkova, but she is very hard all this was given, recalled Popovic.
As for the child, Popovich raised to the sky, even when she was pregnant with their second daughter ...
She told me that her first husband - cosmonaut Pavel Popovich (1930 - 2009), jokingly explained why his wife was not taken in space: "She talks too much. He says even when consuming food. There will be a lot of talk in the cosmos. But in space, you can not talk and eat at the same time, as food falls out of his mouth. Therefore, do not take. "
With a line of Buddha
Popovich said that the Japanese found its Dalen line of Buddha, and Buddha, in turn, advised the Japanese to give pilots the two machines that are happy they did.
Talked about her book. By the way, she is the author of 20 books, including vfalegii ("UFOs over Earth"), two scripts and plays .. The last book was published in 2011 - "I - pilot. Reminiscences and Reflections. " Popovich - winner of the "Golden Pen Rassi."
Marina Popovich has established 126 union and 102 world records in aviation. Over 30 years of flight mastered 40 types smaletav, conducted 5600 hours in the sky.
Her husband Boris Zhikharev read poetry. The meeting participants also showed a documentary about the legendary vyprabavalnitsu.