Despite the fact that four people have wanted to build their houses on the street named after Ryhor Baradulin while you probably do not have the luck to find at least some of its features, as it exists only on paper. In addition, none of the interviewed residents could not more or less accurately determine the boundaries of the future private cottage building Arechava, where it should materialize.
March 25 Vitebsk city executive committee approved a list of names of new streets of the regional center, among which finally appeared and the name of the national poet of Belarus Ryhor Baradulin. Street arise in the area of the former village of Arechava, which several years ago was the street on the far outskirts of Vitebsk. In the former village lives about two hundred people, but there is no shop, and residents have to use the services of mobile shops, which comes twice a week. Abandoned village houses sold out, and in some places the acquired site already built houses and cottages in the architectural spirit of today.
The house of the former village located on the crest of the most picturesque hills, between which, like a river meanders street, one end of which pierces the gates have not painted botanical reserve "Devil's Beard" and the second is directed towards the village and street Grishaev Dawning. The dirt road was not repaired for a long time and is an infinite combination of potholes of various sizes and shapes, so not particularly dispersal. But seen from the hills of nice scenery pleasing to the eye with its diversity. Particularly impressive is the view that opens from the Cape Devil's beard, which in ancient times, probably housed a pagan temple.
Location and now remains attractive for people. Apparently, visitors regularly kindle fires there. They say that once the local bandits from Cape watched Chelny traders sailing from the Vikings to the Greeks, or vice versa. But now this splendor is perhaps not attract too many volunteers because the person primarily selects the benefits of civilization, rather than the delights of nature. Therefore, the future of the street will be completely dependent on the activity of private developers who agree to certain inconveniences.
But we should not rejoice too much and assume the appearance of the street name Baradulin fair honoring the memory of a unique national poet. As for me, this step is unknown city officials I perceive as a minor insult to the memory of an outstanding person and as a slap representatives of national civil society. Say, like street – here you are. I do not think that the intention to place it among the net field in the region is only scheduled private building in the absence of civilized infrastructure – it is whose inexperience or poor judgment. There was also a place in the center of the monument to the alleged alien to the Belarusian human Alexander Nevsky. Therefore, such a dismissive attitude to the national geniuses I personally perceive as another offensive gesture on the part of the apologists of the "Russian World", which are the local representatives of denationalized in Soviet Union mankurts.

S. Horki