Readers send in photos charter97.org Polotsk monuments in the state's fault groomed city authorities. City officials are in no hurry to repair them. "Look, here looks like a monument to our Simeon of Polotsk. No one cares!" – Wrote the reader.

But what happens to the monument of the most famous Belarusian. "On the pedestal of the monument to Francis Skaryna fall off the stones and slabs. The sculpture is located in the heart of the ancient city of Belarus, on the area of Francis Skaryna. There is always a lot of tourists, especially a lot of them over the weekend. And guests from other countries not only see the condition of the monument, but also pictures of it. What a shame!" – Wrote the reader.

About another monument in the city center – the heroes of the war in 1812 – last year none at floor lights.