Shortly year since work began in Vitebsk free public courses "Mova Nanova." The first introductory session held while the creators of Minsk courses – a journalist and scholar Gleb Lobodenko Ales Litvinovskaya. Now, however, the case in the city occupied by indigenous vitbich Sergei Markov and journalist Tatyana Dubovsky.
During this time the weekly courses have become popular and have acquired a certain resonance in the urban cultural environment. On this occasion, we decided to talk with the local courses founder Sergey Markov.
At the time, Sergei graduated from the Belarusian philology and culture of the local university. She currently works in the town center as a cultural organizer additional education of children and youth, leads to the television program "Evening Vitebsk", but the course takes considerable amount of time and life.
– Sergey, before moving on to direct the conversation about the courses, I would like to know how in your personal life came Belarusian language and generally Belarusianness?
– Language Belarusianness – a real existence, life, natural phenomenon, which I use on a daily basis. As once said Stas Sіlka: "To Belarusianness I did not come, it was originally with me." I only need to repeat these words.
Since I can remember, since childhood I have been interested in the Belarusian books. Therefore, on his birthday demanded by parents gave me a book written in Belarusian. The parents were surprised and did not understand my interest in the language.
Language – is the life and the cosmos, is the key to the Belarusian universe, and it is a natural phenomenon for each of the local Belarusian. Almost every other language in the Belarusian some extent understand the Belarusian language, so it is to delete it from our lives impossible. As you know, our courses are called "Mova Nanova" – "Language again," many with the same name does not agree. As it re-tongue? I think our language we have registered as genetic code, it now only need to reboot, and everything will be fine.
– How did it happen in reality, is that you find courses, or maybe you've found the courses?
– Rather, I found the courses. Although the course I do not intend to, but it happened. One day, ordering Gleb Lobodenko book Ryhor Baradulin "In the sky walk", began to talk to him about the courses, and somehow it turned out that he suggested I try. And I said to myself: "Why not? The interesting thing, why not try it! "Then, however, I thought only assist to find courses room. But somehow it went, began. So, maybe, and courses have found me.
– Who else helps you in this honorable activity? How do you advertise their classes?
– Firstly, it is my co-host Tatiana Dubovsky, she works in the newspaper "We and time" of our university. Students help, what topics to raise someone to invite guests, a musician to listen. And the musicians, and our other guests very well apply to courses and are happy to visit them. Do not need too much persuading anyone. So now we come to Constantine stalls – very famous, promoted our brand of Verkhnedvinsk. I ask: "Maybe you need to buy flour?" – And he said: "No, no, I just put a table where you can roll the dough, all the rest I brought with me." People are going to meet. And I am grateful to the Department of Culture of the City Council premises.
Initially, we were not looking for some kind of underground space, because they believed that in this case it is necessary to go to the state level. We believe that the language – this is a common phenomenon of social and cultural communication, that we should help people to own them, do not hide, but rather goes to the great court. We have an idea to make the courses, so to speak, on the free site on the air. Let's say the town hall so that people increasingly see that we have, because it means to some massive advertising we do not have. Usually advertising is through social networks, the Internet, but this is not enough.
– Who attends? It is those who already speak the language or those who are just starting to move in this direction?
– Of course, there are people who know the language, but they come only with the intention to stay in the Belarusian-language environment, to talk, to meet. But most are those who either know the language a little bit, or just does not know it. So it was very interesting to them.
For example, a woman comes to us with an adult daughter. They know Russian, Ukrainian, and Belarusian do not know. So they have such interest in the language. Unfortunately, not all use the Internet, so advertising is not enough. People over the age of power left unattended. Most of our visitors are young people, but there are also people of a more mature age. Say, forty, fifty years. We have a listener Raisa Leontievna – her '74. She really wanted to, she was awarded a student card. She is very active, actively involved, as we have no age or social constraints.
And do not think that comes to us only the intelligentsia. The only thing we fenced off: "We are beyond politics and beyond religion." But, when we had the theme of "Love", we visited a very interesting man, the father of Thomas Church of St. Barbara, which is quite irreligious told the audience about love. It was very cool.
– What is the need to learn the language encourages people who hardly ever used in everyday social relations?
You see, the thing: if people go to English courses, or the Polish language, their causes some vital necessity – for example, a tourist trip, work. And then people come to understand what you need to do something, how can you be ignorant.
Besides, you know, in real life happen quite curious cases. As one people, some do not even know what "kashulya." And doubly annoying when this question Russians know the answer, examinations of their local relatives who naively believe that "kashulya" – a small cat. Well, still, can attend for fun. We do not have academic studies, we have more interactive show where students themselves are its direct participants.
– Has been commenced in connection with the courses of your personal life?
– Of course, changed. When a man has a family, formed a habitual way of life: work, home, on weekends – to the country. Now life bubbled. Now I have this condition, if hit again in the student body. Not a single day passes without any organizational work, without negotiation. Those courses led me on TV. You need to prepare and to the airwaves, and the courses as well. There are new people, a new circle of friends. Old friends, of course, are old friends, but there are people who think with you in the same direction in the field of culture and language. These people are not indifferent to the situation of our culture, they are volunteers whose lives have been held under the motto: "Well, the same should be done in this life without money." No output.
– The number of visitors increases, or it remains constant in any specific limits?
– There is a core of about twenty people, who always comes. This asset leads to a new people. Someone comes for fun. For example, came to our group "Relic" with the performance – come interests that maybe our previous guests were not interested. Someone comes to some specific topic, classes are fun, why not come. Those who know the Belarusian language, come from time to time. Although social networks write that we fancy free sensible course for everyone and admission is free – still ask: "And what is necessary to bring and what to do to get on your courses?". Nothing to do – just come and that will be enough. But bring a pen.
– What plans have in the near future, and what kind of fruit already feel from their work?
– Most importantly, I would like to start now – is "Mova Nanova for children." There is a need to arrange for their individual classes. People come and ask: "Here in Minsk, Brest, Grodno started already, and when we have?" But not so easy to find people who take up this work, the more free. In addition, the work is much easier with adults. Children should always be surprised, otherwise they will not go.
I would like more interesting guests. It is a pity that we have in Vitebsk is very difficult to find a Belarusian-celebrities. We have almost all of our friends from Vitebsk and the surrounding area peretaskali. Increasingly turning to the popular personalities from Minsk.
The concept of the courses as an interactive show, will not change. The only thing that can be administered some moments in the structure of employment with the novelties of surprises. Global changes are not going to enter.
I would like more concerts, more musicians. It's interesting, and people like it. Now arrange a meeting with a group of «Hand Made». They did a full program and it will be tested in our courses.
Of course, the fruit is. And the media are interested in, and people stopped in the street, oblivious to my T-shirt of the same name Courses name. Ask: "What we have such a course?" The main thing that contributes to the spread of famous courses arrival of new people.
I would like to come to our poet Andrei Khodanovich. April 5 will come with flutist Alexander Denisov group "People in the swamp," then we must visit the duo «Navi» ...
Classes are held on a regular basis we have steadily every Sunday at 14 o'clock, in the center of folk arts and crafts "Zadzvinne", regardless of the weather and the mood of the leading. The mere fact that classes are held in a decent room, shows that it is interesting not only to direct visitors to the courses, but also the state in this has a certain interest. People come to us to develop spiritually, so we think: now it is necessary to engage the culture, it is first necessary to raise their cultural level.
True, there are skeptics who do not believe in the fruits of our work for them and the language is dead and will never rise again, but it is not. When held in Minsk on Independence Avenue, near there "McDonalds" are hipsters, cool trendy young people who are free to fuck in Belarusian. Some are simply dictionaries in your hands, as it is now cool and fashionable. But they are all in the future – potential parents, and when they have children, they will no longer be their repulse of the language. This is the – the fruit, the result, but we must do it with ease and fun, through culture. You look like now changing repertoire Belarusian groups who used to sing in Russian. And it's not a fad, but a kind of cultural needs. Maybe look at a good example of "Okean Elzy" or "Screams Vidopliassova" who collected large area not only in their homeland, but also in Belarus and Russia.
I would like to Belarusian language has become commonplace, and not just a temporary fashion. And if in Vitebsk still turn to speak Belarusian, in Minsk, Belarusian-man is already perceived as a normal, natural phenomenon. So it should be.
S. Horki