In the apartment of 28-year-old Roman Kuzmenkov conducted a search, confiscated office equipment and interrogated in the investigation committee why he wrote appeals to the district executive committee, criticizing the local authorities.
Roman Kuzmenkov said that on the evening of May 15, two policemen took his computer, non-working printer, a flash drive and a removable disk.
"The policemen showed a decree to inspect the apartment, where the basis for the search was that I allegedly insulted someone from the Vorša officials. The staff called themselves, they called witnesses – my neighbors. But they did not leave any papers that they took the office equipment. I did not even remember the names, because I was hoping to get a document in my hands where they would be recorded. Or a copy. But nothing was given to me. I told about this today in the Investigation Committee, where they called me to a meeting, "Roman said.
According to Kuzmenkov, the investigation committee told him that they are conducting an audit on anonymous appeal: they say someone told the police that he was insulting officials. But who exactly and in what way – it is not known, emphasizes Kuzmenkov.
"Several times I applied to the Vorša regional executive committee by means of a special form on the website. He reported on problems at the enterprises, about shortcomings in the work of public services. Always carefully re-read what I'm writing, and absolutely had no purpose to offend someone personally. My appeals I saw printed at the investigator, but they did not show me. Allegedly in these reports, there are insults on my behalf, "Roman Kuzmenkov said.
The last time he wrote in the application form was that he was going to arrange a one-man picket to protest against low salaries. The picket took place on May 14. Kuzmenkov was detained and taken to court on the same day. Judge Yulia Khatkevich fined him 490 rubles (20 basic units).