In the Viciebsk 103rd Guards Airborne Brigade, a soldier with a regular service "made a cut on his arm". Information was confirmed by the press secretary of the Defense Ministry Vladimir Makarov.
Information that the soldier tried to commit suicide appeared on the portal TUT.BY. According to Makarov, the "cut" soldier made on arrival in the military unit with the goal of influencing colleagues in this way. On the way to the military unit, the young soldier suffered harassment from other recruits. Some of them studied with the victim in one lyceum, they characterized him as being uncommunicative and with quirks.
"It is known that this military man had three drives to the police for drinking alcohol, hooliganism, soldering of minors," Makarov said.
The soldier was provided with the necessary medical care. On the fact of the incident, the command of the unit is checking.
Anton Trofimovich, svaboda.org