As we wrote earlier, on June 24 in Polotsk a very successful presentation of the book by Vladimir Orlov "Ad Połacka pačaŭsia śviet. My Polacak, the Cradle of the World". But, according to the writer, the holiday experience of his friends and readers has been overshadowed by the barbaric onslaught of belarusofobs.
Perhaps just at those moments when the Museum of Belarusian printing heard of Vladimir Orlov, book publisher Sergei Plytkevich and sponsor Paul Beregovich and Belarusian musicians sang old melodies, very close to the Museum of someone armed with a sledgehammer, with fury smashed the inscription on one of the Polotsk monuments.We are talking about the material embodiment of the letter “Ў” (“Ŭ”).
This unique cultural site located in the heart of the city on Avenue Skarina cast in metal lines Gregory Baradulin:
Ad EŬfrasińni, ad Skaryny,
Ad Połacka pačaŭsia śviet.

After the death of the national poet, they began to be perceived as a kind of monument to the first outstanding master of the Belarusian word. Now from Borodulin lines survived only individual letters. Vladimir Orlov believes that it is necessary not only to restore the inscription, but also sue vandals-belarusofobs criminal case.
Naša Niva