For 7 months of 2018 in the Viciebsk region as a result of accidents at work, 14 people died. In the same period, 43 people were seriously injured during the same period.
In addition, 24 accidents occurred as a result of the presence of disease among workers, and two more people died because of suicide – these cases were promptly dropped from the account as non-productive, the regional department of the State Labor Inspection reports.
The growth of occupational injuries with a fatal outcome was noted in the organizations of Viciebsk, Hłybokaje, Dubroŭna, Čašniki and Šumilina districts; and accidents that led to severe industrial injuries – Pastavy and Šarkoŭščyna districts.
Most of the accidents occurred due to the failure of managers and specialists to perform duties on labor protection (11.9%). Also, the causes of accidents were the violation of work and production discipline, instructions on labor protection by the injured; admission of the victim to work without training and testing knowledge on labor protection issues; violation of safety requirements for the operation of faulty machines, machinery, equipment, tooling, tools; personal imprudence.