Youtube has another video to discredit Viciebsk human rights activist. He was published allegedly on behalf of the well-known "doctor-pravdoruba" Igor Postnov, who categorically denies his involvement in this.
Viciebsk doctor Postnov confirmed that he has nothing to do with the video "How to make money in the elections" or to spread it through the social network "VKontakte", allegedly from his page. Especially – to the account on youtube, created by unknown persons on February 16.
The video mentions both human rights activist Pavel Levinov and Viciebsk activist of the For Freedom movement Christopher Zhelyapov. The second – as a character of the former "video creation" of unknown falsifiers, says Levinov:
"Last month there were attempts to" ascribe "to me slander against Christopher Zhelyapov. To do this, unknown persons created "my" fake accounts in Facebook and on youtube and downloaded a video that compromises Zhelyapov. False accounts have been deleted. But someone is working on it: new fake pages have appeared on the "YouTube". The authors of the video have "my" account even on kufar.by! And they advertised with my phone about the sale of a two-story unfinished house. "
The video "How to make money in elections" begins with the mention of Christopher Zheliapov: the creators clearly want to interest the viewer with the previous "compromising evidence". And then about Pavel Levinov himself: his place of residence "in the center of Viciebsk", his car – and somebody was not too lazy to photograph him near the house of the human rights activist.
The video also includes material about previous attempts to discredit the human rights activist, and his photos from social networks. On one of them, made in the Kherson region, where Pavel starred with two foreign students of Kharkov University, written "Algeria". Voice-over, modified by a computer program, comments: "This is how a human rights activist lives on a pension of an ensign of 350 rubles".
What is not in this clip is information about the elections and how they can be earned.