Połacak completed the investigation of the case against the director of one of the housing and utilities enterprises of the Połacak district, said Svetlana Sakharova, an official representative of the Investigative Committee for the Viciebsk region.
The director of one of the enterprises of housing and communal services of the Połacak district for three years concluded contracts with a familiar individual entrepreneur for the servicing of water deironing stations located in the villages of Kušliki, Žarnasieki and Homiel, Połacak District. After the work was completed, the head instructed the subordinate accounting staff to pay these works out of turn. For extraordinary payment for the purpose of personal enrichment, the director received money from the IP to the bank account as a bribe. The investigation established 26 facts of receiving bribes for the period from May 2013 to May 2016 for a total of more than 2.6 thousand rubles.
In addition, in October-November 2016, abusing his official powers, the leader gave illegal instructions to subordinate employees to fuel diesel vehicles using electronic cards with his personal car Toyota Land Cruiser Prado, his son's car Kia Carnival, and a car of a friend of Nissan Qashqai. Also in the period from October to December with the help of an electronic card, which is in his official use, the director created surplus fuel due to unaccounted savings in the fuel tank of the car and made false information in the road lists on the company car. Thus, he stole more than 180 liters of diesel fuel and 80 liters of gasoline for a total of more than 310 rubles.
The accusation against the official is presented under part 2 of Art. 430 UK (receiving a bribe, again) and part 1 of Art. 210 of the Criminal Code (embezzlement by abuse of official authority). The defendant was subjected to a preventive measure in the form of detention. Taking into account the full compensation of the property damage caused to the housing and communal services of the Połacak district, as well as the illegally obtained income, the accused's confession of guilt and remorse for the criminal case committed against the defendant, the investigation issued a decision to change the use of the preventive measure as security.
During the investigation, the defendant's property was seized for a total of more than 144,000 rubles. The materials of the criminal case include accounting documents and material evidence confirming the unlawful activities of an official.
The preliminary investigation in this criminal case is over. The materials were handed over to the prosecutor for referral to the court.