A resident of Viciebsk, Vladimir Borovikov, addressed the editorial board of the Security Council of Belarus Today with a sensational statement that he had found a meteorite that had been lying in the ground for ten thousand years.
To confirm the extraterrestrial origin of the find of the Viciebsk citizen Vladimir Borovikov, who showed the reporters a fragment of the meteorite, it is possible only after a scientific examination, said Natalia Sasina, the scientific secretary of the RUE Scientific Center for Geology.
According to Borovikov, he found his find in the Liozno District. Near the village, he found in the relief a hollow about a kilometer in length and about twenty meters deep. This led him to think that this is a crater formed after the fall of the celestial body. It was there that he made his discovery, which he reported to the media.
According to scientists, there is a certain procedure for the study of finds, which may be meteorites. To do this, you need to apply to the Research and Production Center for Geology with a statement. Then the samples are examined by specialists. Only then can we talk about the extraterrestrial nature of the find.
Natalia Sasina said that there were times when cold rock pieces were brought to the NPC and claimed that they were meteorites.
Also, the scientific secretary noted that no one had applied to geologist scientists about the find in the Viciebsk region. Therefore, experts can not comment on information disseminated in the media.