Residence of Viciebsk leader of the Belarusian National Congress (BNC) Vladimir Kiyko unexpectedly visited by the police. Employees of law enforcement Invasion activist considers an attempt to intimidate him on the eve of the announced by BNC March of angry Belarusians, which will be held in Minsk on 17 February.
Says Vladimir Kiyko: "I came home to three: two in police uniform, and one – in civilian clothes who introduced himself as the district, although I do not know him. They said that alleged a man called the police and said that someone is noisy and has a glass. I asked who called them and they said they did not know, because the call was anonymous. Then the conversation and made a sort of protocol (I never would sign, and they did not show it to me). Rewrite all my phones. They asked where I work, how much to pay."
Mr. Vladimir – an active member of BOC and longtime ally of the opposition in the former presidential candidate Nikolai Statkevich, one of the initiators of citizens march perturbed by decree number 3, according to which "parasites" who do not have jobs, are required to pay a special tax. According to the activist view, coming to the police on trumped-up about it on the eve of an important political event – a march in the capital – is not accidental. What happened, he called an act of political pressure on him.
"Attention on the part of the police to me has obvious political overtones, – said Vladimir Kiyko. – Sharing the ideas of the Belarusian National Congress, the authorities consider it necessary to state that attempts to take away money from the Belarusian citizens, who do not work, are illegal and inhumane. Among ordinary Belarusians no such mass phenomena as parasitism. Believes otherwise – means to show disrespect to the people. Perceive law enforcement actions illegal and provocative. The purpose of such provocation is obvious: get from me giving up political activities."
Kastus Dzvinski