Find out the details on the residence of the British citizen Alan Smith in jail number 2 Viciebsk trying representative of the Belarusian Helsinki Committee Pavel Levinau. To get the necessary information, he sent a number of requests to the management of Penitentiary Department (DIN) of the Viciebsk region. However, the head of the department did not respond on the merits any question of human rights defender.
As we reported about the arrest and detention of Alan Smith told his wife Vitsebsk human rights defenders. According to her, the UK citizen detained September 29 border guards in Brest, after which he was transferred to Viciebsk.
Pavel Levinau turned in DIN with the question of whether Mr. Smith is subordinated to the Department of the institution, since when and on what basis. He also asked to answer why the wife of a detainee does not receive letters from him. I asked about human rights and of whether the rights are respected the prisoner of jail guaranteed by the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.
On Pavel Levinau queries answered by the head of the DIN Viciebsk Oblast Alexander Sivokho. "I inform you that your appeal on the issue of providing information on the location of a British citizen Alan Paul Smith and his wife notification of his detention be carefully considered by DIN of MIA Republic of Belarus, Viciebsk region", - he wrote the head of the human rights activist penitentiary field.
The result of this "careful consideration": "You to the appeals were not intermingled documents showing your powers to represent the interests of British citizen Alan Paul Smith, and on the basis of Part 1 of Art. 15 of the Law "On citizens and legal persons" from 18.07.2011, # 300-Z Your treatment left without consideration on the merits."
Pavel Levinau outraged by this answer: he is not claimed any special powers as the representative of the accused, but only asked to give him information that is of public interest and are important for human rights defenders, as there is a suspicion that here there are human rights violations.
It seems that something is wrong in the management of DIN in the Viciebsk region, if the head of the agency has decided to withhold information from the public. However, to hide the truth and save all in the darkness he could not. The case caused a resonance, and not he, as representative of the Investigative Committee, answering questions from the media officially registered in Belarus, confirmed that Alan Smith is indeed in Viciebsk jail that against him under investigation.
Is the colonel of internal service Sivokho cost not to answer questions Pavel Levinau? Or maybe he knows a secret about the content of the British in the jail that it is better to appear a fool in the eyes of the public with his absurd response defender than reveal the truth?
We asked Pavel Levinau say a few words regarding the response received from the head of the fiberboard Sivokho. Here are his comments: "On the response of the author's health condition I can not judge, I am not a doctor. Diagnosis let put the reader".
Kastuś Dźvinski