As a result, the third investigation into the death of worker guilty recognized foreman and chief engineer of building management. Prior to this accused in the death of the worker. According to the court, the company is obliged to pay compensation to relatives of the deceased.
25-year-old electric and gas welder of Building management #116 of "Building Trust #8" of Brest Maxim Kovalevsky worked at a construction site of one of the "Naftan" plant facilities. The tragedy occurred at the beginning of 2015. The worker fell from a height of 10 meters. Doctors ambulance arrived on the challenge, was pronounced dead guy.
In fact the incident Połacak interdistrict department employees of the Department of State Labor Inspectorate conducted an investigation. According to the results, of the deceased worker was found guilty of his own death because he allegedly ignored the local regulations on labor safety: the young electric and gas welder during work at a height of not wearing a protective belt and a protective helmet, which grossly violated the technology of work.
Maxim's brother insisted on re-investigation into the tragedy. The results remained the same. However, the dissenting opinion expressed by Anatoly Khomich, head of Brest regional committee technical inspector of labor union of construction and construction materials workers. Based on it, the Department of Labor State Inspection held a regular investigation, the results of which it was found that Maxim Kovalevsky died no fault of their own. Guilty recognized company officials.
According to the collective agreement, in that situation the relatives of the deceased is entitled to restitution in the amount of 10 average salaries. However, the general director of building trust, immediate supervisor Maxim Kovalevsky, his brother refused to pay. The relatives of the deceased had to go to court. According to the court, which met in late October, the relatives of the deceased will receive adequate compensation for them. However, the 50-year-old mother of Maxim did not have time to wait for it.
Catherine Zahorskaya