The fact that on Pravda street in Viciebsk next to the restored building of the national art school roll human bones, said one of the readers of news.vitebsk.cc site.
The correspondent, who arrived at the specified location actually found part of a human skeleton. On one of the spoil among ceramic bat roll skull fragments, fragments of ribs, the bones of the lower extremities and a number of other smaller bones.
Found human remains on building sites in Viciebsk are not uncommon. So, on the site of excavation in the park at the Victory Square in June 2010, a human skull was found, most likely children. And in the construction of iron removal station in the village Selyuty mound was excavated early Iron Age and burial were on it.
Typically, the builders did not pay attention to their technique excavated fragments of skeletons. And just to throw them away, caring little about their historical or memorial value.
According to the law of the Republic of Belarus "On the burial and funeral business," the detection of previously unknown graves of local executive and administrative authorities shall take measures to establish the number of graves, their origin and time of the burial. And revealed previously unknown graves are considered grave located outside the burial site discovered during any work.
If it turns out that found the remains of people killed during the war, in the case enters the "Regulations on perpetuate the memory of those who died in the defense of the Fatherland and preserve the memory of the victims of wars," according to which suspend work (if the remains of those killed during the war were found in their carrying out) to complete the field of search works.

Syarzhuk Serabro, news.vitebsk.cc