The founder of the charity fund "to do good" Denis Tomasevic accused of fraud. He is suspected of using the money for their own use, donated to charity. The accused was 23 years old, he came from Viciebsk.
Denis Tomasevic, according to the investigation, the organization sent in Viciebsk and Minsk online handling, which requested help orphans. To charity accused opened a special bank account and offered to transfer him donations. However, transferred money used for personal purposes.
The investigation is working on establishing evidence of criminal acts Tomasevic, he performed under the guise of charity. 29 organizations who have donated money to help orphans, have already declared to the relevant authorities about the unfairness of the founder of the fund.
According to Inna Gorbacheva, the official representative of the Office of the Investigative Committee of the Viciebsk region, Denis Tomasevic arrested and detained. He was charged with fraud committed on a large scale (in accordance with part 3 of article 209 of the Criminal Code).
Pay attention to the fact of collaboration with Viciebsk Tomasevic City Committee of NGO "Belarusian Republican Youth Union". A few years ago, together with Tomasevic said organization arranged a photo contest "Viciebsk – my hometown". As the main award winner promised reflex digital camera. But Tomasevic, according to a Belarusian Republican Youth Union, ceased all contact with them. A contest participants send their work precisely in his address. Therefore BRYU refused duties organizer of the event. Results of the competition fails.
If you have suffered from criminal acts Denis Tomasevic, please refer to the address of the Office of the Investigative Committee of the Republic of Belarus, Viciebsk region: the city of Viciebsk, Moskovsky Prospect, 51a (contact phone 8-0212-46-21-48).
Photo: Vladimir Chudentsov, tut.by