In December 2015, the family of Marina Dzhugly expecting a third child. The boy has already chosen a name – Timosha. Parents were are positive – an experienced mother, herself the education of physicians. And the survey during pregnancy were positive. There were no signs woes.
"My husband and I always wanted three children – starts his story 33-year-old Marina Dzhugly. – The eldest son Kamil 12 years old, the youngest is Matthew in March three years old. When they learned that the third child is also a boy, I even jokingly said to my husband that you have to once again go to the hospital – the girl. "
Pregnancy, according to Marina, passed quietly.
"In the early period I had morning sickness, but I coped ok, not lying on the preservation, – she says. – At the first set of US risk of genetic disease. Of course, I was scared at first. But I was reassured, sent for examination to Viciebsk. A month later came the results, that the child is healthy. We are, by the way, my husband and I decided at once – even if the child will have features will still give birth. "
December 18 Marina arrived planning to give birth in Navapołacak.
"Both the first and second child I gave birth in Połacak, but in 2013 our hospital was closed. Since then, all give birth in Navapołacak. Can you imagine what was going on: two large town plus all the villages in the district. Just pipeline, in other words I cannot name" – said Marina.
Former building, which houses the obstetric department in Połacak, passed by tourist facilities. New hospital in Połacak began to build. On the outskirts of the city are still visible hammered piles. In 2012, the foundation was built and began assembling the frame. The budget spent about 2 billion rubles. Governor of the region Alexander Kosinets (now – the head of the presidential administration) personally promised to find funding. But then the local authorities considered that the construction of a maternity hospital in Połacak inappropriate.
Local residents have written the treatment that the hospital in Navapołacak will not be able to accept patients from all over the Połacak District, Połacak and Navapołacak. But officials felt differently. Currently, Navapołacak genitive house 165 beds.

"The branch has been crowded. In the hallway no one was lying, but the chamber was full, – continues Marina. – I was offered a place in a paid ward, I agreed. I remember also comforted her neighbor, she had a first birth. Although I myself was very anxious mood. I arrived on Friday. I was afraid that would have to bear over the weekend. Or even worse – at night on Saturday or Sunday. However, the doctor who examined me and said that they expect deliveries on Monday."
At lunchtime on Friday she had an ultrasound. The survey was conducted deputy director of the hospital Lyudmila Sudnik.
"I remember she told the nurse to write:" Close the fruit in question. A single cord entanglement – said Marina Dzhugly. Heartbeat fetus was normal. I have written Nospanum on a tablet three times a day."
However, on the night of Friday to Saturday, Marina felt pain in the abdomen. "Then the water broke, – says Marina. – I went to the post. I remember, I asked for forgiveness, and nurses and doctors, that all happened at night, and even on Saturday. Dr. Elena Yurkina and intern examined me, sent to the prenatal ward. "
After that, according to Marina Dzhugly, Dr. Yurkino it is no longer seen. Births she took another doctor, Eugene Knyazhishche.
"Since I gave birth for the third time, the experience I already had, I kept a low profile, do not scream. Even when the pain was very strong, biting the finger itself, – says Marina. – I started to give birth, but the baby's head is not moved. It lasted three hours. I told the doctor that I was losing strength. But she said: "You do not give birth to me. No complaints and concerts. Give birth! "
In the delivery room the patient, according to her, were already under arms.
"I did not have the strength to push. I even chair the first time could not be taken away – she says. – Then I started to put pressure on the stomach, pulling up his legs. Simultaneously measure the baby's heartbeat, it began to fall. I remember they said, 80, 70, 60, 50 ... I was amazed that no one called the resuscitator to prepare drugs. She came into the delivery room a few minutes later. But in such situations, every second counts. The doctor was on duty at the time, and I do not understand why she did not come to us. The child was pushed, but already had a cardiac arrest. About 20 minutes before my eyes tried to save him, but it was lost time. "
Medical help was needed most and maternity. "The stitches already imposed doctor Jurkiewicz. Doctor, who took delivery, was off somewhere, "– says Marina.
On Saturday morning, the baby was pronounced dead. Midwife and resuscitation immediately approached the patient, said they did everything they could and asked for forgiveness. The doctor who took delivery, and Marina did not see.
"I saw on the Internet that Yevgenia wrote a poem which expresses condolences to me – says Marina Dzhugly. – She did not touch me with that. I still left a lot of questions. I do not understand why she was in such a difficult situation is not addressed to more experienced colleagues. As later said head, with her words, it is expected that she will cope. I also do not understand where resuscitation was why he did not come in a timely manner. "
Despite the fact that the tragedy occurred on Saturday morning, the hospital met with Marina only on Monday.
"I understand that for them the death of a child – is the usual case. Do not cancel the same because of this weekend! – Says the woman. – I asked the head of the hospital Margarita Razin, whether it was possible to save my child. "I think we can – she said and added. – You know, each doctor has his or her graveyard. " This phrase killed me completely. I myself have worked all my life in medicine. And I know cases where doctors saved patients who have had injuries incompatible with life. And I came to give birth to a healthy person, and my baby was healthy. Mom must come out of the hospital with the baby and flowers, and I went with the coffin. "
According to Marina, the preliminary results of the autopsy showed that the child was healthy and died of asphyxiation during childbirth. The official wording – intrauterine hypoxia, first revealed during labor and delivery, premature detachment of the placenta, unspecified.
While Marina was in the hospital, her husband wrote a statement to the Investigation Committee. At the moment of the tragedy is the fact check.
January 15 Naviny.by correspondent visited Navapołacak hospital, but no head doctor or genitive management department at the workplace was not there. Deputy head physician on medical part of Yuri Aleshkevich refused to comment on the situation.
Meanwhile, the medical staff on the sidelines discusses what the doctor take delivery Marina Dzhugley can dismiss. However, until the end of the test to draw conclusions prematurely. While working with an expert psychologist.
"I basically did not call the name of the doctor, until there is a check, – says Marina. – But Yevgenia itself published a poem on the Internet, and then everyone knew her data. "
It is known that the doctor Eugene Knyazhishche graduated from Medical University in Viciebsk. Previously she worked as obstetrician-gynecologist in Marina Gorka, where the year took about 500 kids.
"When I was in the prenatal room, she asked me if I had any more children. She said that she and her husband, too, dream of three kids – says Marina Dzhugly. – I have no feelings of revenge. I do not want her sent to prison. But if it is proved her fault, I think that should be deprived of her right to medical services. Incompetent should not work in medicine. I do not want anyone else from the hospital back home with a coffin. "
For this reason, Marina and her family decided to contact the investigating authorities and the media to tell what happened.
"When I write, I was approached by an employee of the hospital, I said that I did not write the statement, because it will be a stain on the reputation of the hospital – she says. – Now I know how much they have these "spots". After I published a poem in the social network of his trouble, I received a lot of comments and personal messages, where people write that they faced exactly the same problems. Just a few people have the strength to fight after such a tragedy, to seek the truth. "

Marina says that she has accumulated questions not only to the doctor who took delivery, but also to the administration of the hospital. Why the shift worked only two doctors? Why was no one from the administration on duty? Why does not the video camera in the delivery room, the records that could show what happened in reality? Why leadership came to the ward on the third day after the tragedy?
"Almost a month has passed since that terrible day, but I have always in mind the events are scrolled. At night, I almost did not sleep, but to take sleeping pills. I do not know if I would ever put up with this grief, "– said Marina.
At that time, the younger son is drawn to her hands and says, you need to gather for a walk.
"Thank God that I have a husband and children. I have, for someone to live", – she says.

Users of social networks have left about 2 thousand comments on the page Marina. They speak words of support to the family Dzhugly and hope that the local authorities and law enforcement authorities will investigate the situation to such tragic incidents do not recur.
Adare Gushtyn, http://naviny.by/