By decision of the Economic Court of the field for the illegal trade in one of the private enterprises in Viciebsk confiscated appliances and computer equipment more than 640 million rubles, and also imposed a fine of 3.6 million. Regional Prosecutor's Office, where the owner of the PUE repeatedly lodged complaints, found no violations in the work of the tax authorities during a test purchase.
According to the prosecutor's department of the Prosecutor's Office of Viciebsk region Ilya Belous, the fact that the implementation of technology without accompanying documents were identified by employees of tax inspection. In the course of control purchase in a private house, which is a stock enterprise, is confirmed. By the way, according to the Administrative Code of violating the rules of trade and the provision of services to the population threatens a fine of up to 50 base units with confiscation of goods.
Alexander Kutynka, Vitebskiye Vesti