Investigative Committee establishes cause of death of the employee UE "Połacakvodakanał" Denis Anischenko. This website charter97.org informed reader. Similar information was published December 13 in the social networks. "Last week, the 22-year-old Denis Anischenko died while in the pit, where he was sent to cover the gate" – says a reader.
For safety reasons, it must make at least three people, one and two in the well from the outside. But in the enterprise UE "Połacakvodakanał" carried out a massive reduction of staff. "Director for the last time, greatly reduce the staff of ordinary workers ... there is nobody to work and have to do everything on their own, so he was sent one by hand Head" – says a reader.
The chief, who sent Denis Anischenko, suspended from his duties, conducted the proceedings. However, the relatives of the deceased are afraid that water utility management will try to evade responsibility, shifting the blame on the young worker.
"In all traditions, the management of vengeance is trying to hush up quickly and" quietly ". Colleagues who have worked on that day, is now giving evidence that the guy he climbed into the well, and it was his initiative, and not the initiative of the authorities. Although the day of the tragedy, they all say the opposite, that Dennis went to execute the order management. Also co-workers reported that safety during such operations for at least 1 person must be outside more, "– said the reader.
Dead 22-year old boy survived by his wife and a small child. "I understand that the company is still get away with it, but I would not want the family to remain without compensation," – wrote the reader.
On "Połacakvodakanał" agreed to comment on the situation of the senior safety engineer Svetlana Swede:
"We cannot determine whose fault it happened. After the forensic examination will tell us the cause of death, then we can all have exactly connect: that, because of what and how. While we only collect data and information. It happened in the workplace. Man sent to visually see the track, it was later discovered in the well, according to eyewitnesses. When the Investigation Committee finishes its work, we will be able to say what happened. At the moment, the UK is conducting an investigation. If he refuses to open a criminal case, the question will be engaged in labor protection water treatment plant. But the answer of the Investigative Committee will be received only after 11 January".