Unknown perpetrators broke the window of the car and threw a bottle into the salon with a "Molotov cocktail." The car was near giving Tsihanenkava in Orsha district. The candidate of the UCP was sleeping peacefully in the country ...
Alex Tikhonenko - Member for Orsha ward number 26. He believes that this arson related to its participation in the elections. On the eve of the event shown on television debates involving candidates trustee Tsihanenkava - Vitebsk defender Paul Lyavinau.
The victim suspects in the arson of two individuals, one of whom works in the police. He said this in Orsha investigative committee, which is the case. But after that, the candidate had to undergo a lie detector test. The investigators wanted to make sure that the victim did not set fire to his own jeep. Polygraph evidence also gave one of the suspects. Second - refused.
Alex Tikhonenko removed from the election is going.