As always, Boris Khamaida stood under his white-red-white umbrella near the so-called "blue house" – the house number 28 on Lenin Street in Vitebsk. But the attention of an unknown bully drew no umbrella or even white-red-white ribbon, strapped next to newspapers and magazines. According Khamajda guy about 25 years very aggressively treated embroidery adorning the "workplace" distributor.
This embroidery – a gift Boris Khamaida Vitebsk activist Antonia Pivonos: white cloth she embroidered in red letters the prayer "Our Father." Hooligan demanded that the opposition took embroidery, as he does not like the text in the Belarusian language, and then wanted to disrupt it. When Khamaida shamed him, then began to threaten: "You are an old man, and you should not have to be like," and something else like that.
Pokurazhitsya guy and left. Boris Khamaida notes that nothing like it has not happened for a year and a half. In his view, this unnecessarily aggressive reaction caused by a passer-Russian propaganda on television. And the fact does not exclude the opposition that in Vitebsk has been actively spread anti-Belarusian symbols – Russian and Soviet flags, T-shirts with images of Vladimir Putin, and so on.