Violations of the law when serving customers identified in February in all tested by the Committee of State Control stores Vitebsk and Vitebsk region, said the SCC Vitebsk region.
Christian Democrats of Vitebsk Region plan to participate in elections to local councils, which will be held in 2014. This was "Vitebsk Spring" said Regional Coordinator of the organizing committee for the creation of the BCD Tatsyana Sevyarynets. However, she said, yet it is not an official position.
Last week, in Vitebsk book presented Vladislav Gorbatski "Feminization of Belarusian language". Organized by the Human Rights Project "GeyBelarus" with the support of the "Independent film club".
Vitebsk city executive committee denied the CCP BPF activist Jan Dzyarzhautsau permission to hold a street procession in commemoration of the 150th anniversary of the uprising Kalinouski. Reasons stock standard: no contracts provided City Council decision № 881 "On Mass Events in the city of Vitebsk."
Vitsebsk activist of the Conservative Christian Party - BPF Sergei Kavalenka said: Committee on Human Rights Council did not support his claim, because "the West is degrading."
Chairman of the Vitebsk oblast BPF Leanid Autuchou March 6 has applied for a rally to commemorate the 95th anniversary of the Belarusian People's Republic.
Permanent long-term director of the international festival "Slavonic Bazaar", the director of the Center of Culture "Vitebsk" Rodion Bass filed March 1 resignation. Simultaneously with the applied for dismissal and the chief accountant of the institution. According to members of the public from Vitebsk, soon there may be other resignations, reported IA Regnum.
Human Rights Committee, the UN refused CCP BPF member Siarhiej Kavalenka in the finding of a violation of his rights under Articles 2, 14, 19, 26 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.
Regional Coordinator of the Movement "For Freedom" Christopher Zhelyapau sent to court October district of Vitebsk statement on forcing doctors to the conclusion of a health care rally.
In Vitebsk, in the end of the 1st street name Dovatora quickly erected a new building. The site is enclosed by a fence, but customary in such cases, the "Passport object settings" on it not. However, all local residents know that they had built a residence for the chairman of the executive committee.