After the district court judge Vitebsk Natalia Tretyakov Leonid Zdrestovu refused an application for admission to participate in the hearing in a civil case as his representative human rights activist, he appealed to the Constitutional Court. The Constitutional Court did not decide the question, and now asks activist to understand the situation the chairman of the Constitutional Court.
Was threatened with closure the school in village Vierchniaje, which this year celebrated its 50th anniversary. The school only 30 students. But youth is not all, if the school will be closed, according to villagers.
Chiefs factory tricked into working units of the Free Trade Union sign the declaration on the transfer of powers to the official union. In connection with the beginning of collective bargaining between workers and employers Polotsk factory "Fiberglass" chiefs distribute to workers who are not included in the pro-government "Belkhimprofsoyuz", prepared application forms and make them sign. In the text of the statement said: "I ask my authorized representative considers the primary trade union organization "Belkhimprofsoyuz", of which I am not..."
Vitebsk doctor decided to draw attention to the problem of fellow violent actions of the police officers, as unjustified violence and brutality by the police in Belarus increased. And Vitebsk - is no exception: Igor Postnov mentions several such cases. Application is filed in the October district administration. Date picket, which asks for permission Igor Postnov - January 20.
Ice Palace in Orsha this year finally completed - all violations of the promised time frame, 5 years after the start. But it turns out that there is no money to bring to mind the interiors. Orsha entrepreneurs reported that they were invited to the executive committee and requested financial assistance "to the needs of the city", and above all - the beautification of "Ice Arena".
Unusual for Orsha share staged several unknown young men in the city center. Three guys were standing at the crossroads of Central and near the area at the time when the cars stop at a red light, gave motorists Russian flags.
Builders in Vitebsk region failed to survive protracted adjusted schedule entry into operation. As reported by the State Control Committee of the Vitebsk region, 34 houses, the construction of which has been much delayed, had to accept the newcomers to the end of the year. However, to fit into this schedule failed.
Railway district court judge Vitebsk Elena Tsygankova stopped the administrative case against Alexander Kirillov. She has not seen the offense in Vitebsk political activist actions under Art. 9.2 (Defamation) of the Code of Administrative Offences.
Sergey Ryzhov said that he was forced to turn to doctors as his health after a stay in the sobering-up station 16 November deteriorated. It turned out that the policy broken fingers on his right hand.
At a meeting with the leadership of activists Polotsk executive committee deputy chairman Alexander Mikhalevich firmly promised that trees of Railway park will be saved under any circumstances. Construction waged at the station, the trees will not be affected. Reception Polotsk social activists protecting green spaces, city officials held on 11 December.