In Vitebsk region to protect the frontiers insufficient effectiveness of national voluntary militia from the local population. This opinion was expressed by Chairman of the State Border Committee of Belarus Leonid Maltsev at a meeting of the Vitebsk region to implement the state border policy. "Security of the border – it's not just people in uniform. You must realize that by taking part in border security, protects every citizen in the first place, their interests, the right to life and health. If you omit the offending across the border and to keep silent about it, you can endanger themselves, their families. Therefore, the thesis of "the State border guards all the people" should be filled with concrete content, "– said Leonid Maltsev. The need to strengthen the work of all subjects pogranbezopasnosti with a population of border areas mentioned more than once at the national level. B ...
Increase the level of knowledge of the native language offers everyone a Polotsk State University, where from 1 April to open a special training course "Business Belarusian language".
Paul Levinau required to find and punish traffickers flags of the USSR. He sent an application to the Chief of police Vitebsk Regional Executive Committee and informed about the facts of repeated appearance of unknown persons with red flags near the shopping center "Evikom".
More than 260 violations identified during the first week of the month to ensure safe working conditions during the spring field work in the Vitebsk region. This was the first deputy head of the regional department of the State Inspectorate of Labour Ministry of Labour and Social Security Sergey Anoufriev.
The authorities have decided to deprive working member of the organizing committee of the party "Belarusian Christian Democracy" Sergei Vasiliev of Miory. The man who has two degrees and worked for many years as a teacher, can not even get a job as a watchman.
Activists of the campaign "Vitebsk – bikeways" under the "People's Control" on March 28 held in Vitebsk bike ride on Victory Avenue – the street soldiers-internationalists – Chkalov Street – Victory Avenue. The purpose of the event – to attract the attention of passers-by and, and power to this urgent problem.
Vitebsk human rights activist is trying to show the absurdity of the authorities of their actions in an attempt to limit the fundamental human rights. "By hook or by crook" - defines its purpose Levinau Paul appeals to the authorities.
After an appeal to the Office of the Investigative Committee of the Republic of Belarus, Vitebsk region social activists managed to induce the police to act within the legal framework.
The Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus has promised to consider the proposal of human rights activist Leonid Sviecik in finalizing the draft regulatory act aimed at the prevention of social dependency.
Entered into force verdict against the former chief accountant of the Vitebsk central sports complex. The verdict: the punishment of imprisonment for a term of five years and a suspended sentence of three years, with disqualification to hold certain positions.