Alexander Lukashenko signed a decree awarded state awards a large group of law enforcement officers that are related to the detention and death of the accused in the attack Dmitry Konovalov and Vladislav Kovalev.
Among the recipients of the Fatherland Order "For Service to the Motherland" and the medal "For Courage", "Excellence in the protection of public order," the leaders and investigators of the Investigative Committee, heads of departments and detectives main department operational and investigative activities and chief of the Criminal Investigation Department, the heads Interior Ministry special forces and fighters against terrorism "Diamond", the representatives of the forensic services of police and others.
Writes blogger d_zholik, the most significant awards in this series, the Order of the Fatherland III degree, awarded by the First Deputy Chairman of the Investigative Committee of the General Andrei young Swede, who led a Deputy Attorney General investigation team, led by Vitebsk guys Dmitry Konovalov and Vladislav Kovalev a "tower" .
Among the recipients and senior representatives from the UK, took part in the filming of the special issue of the "Man and Law" Channel One (Russia), focusing on the terrorist attack in the Minsk metro. In particular, publicly signed the assassination the first deputy head of the investigation department of the UK Colonel Vasily Gal and Head of Department for the Investigation of Crimes against the order of military duty CSO SC Colonel Vadim Grits, who were awarded the medal "For Distinguished Service in the protection of public order."
What has caused such a long delay in the awarding of those who are "very distinguished", known only to Lukashenko.
Recall that the "chief executioner" in judicial robes, presided at the trial, the first deputy chairman of the Supreme Court Fedortsova Alexander, who, in fact, ruled against Konovalov and Kovalev's death sentence (without the right of appeal) in the form of the death penalty by firing squad, after Only two months after Lukashenko awarded the honorary title "Honored Lawyer of the Republic of Belarus." And after only a few days D. Konovalov and V. Kovalev were shot, being deprived of the constitutional right to appeal against the death sentence.

Belarusian Partisan