In the night from 12 to 13 January was raided visitors Vitebsk club «XXI Century", which at that time having a party representatives LGTB community. The police officers and riot police raided the club and demanded that those who were in it, stand up against the wall, then started checking documents. Present filmed. At least three parties of visitors were detained, their fate becomes clear.
The details of the incident, said the "Dialogue" the coordinator of the human rights project "GeyBelarus" in Vitebsk Maxim Hajkou:
- It was the usual entertaining party. Around 11 pm, a detail of two men in uniform. They just stood and watched and talked with the owners of the club, who had been told that there will be some gay action. Having stood at the club for about an hour, they left.
Half an hour later broke. There were around 20 people: five - men in plain clothes, and the rest - in the form of special forces. And still standing in the yard. The club at that time there were about 40-50 visitors.
They broke, and gathered together all in one room. Guys right, girls to the left - all were placed. One of them first went down the line, everyone was asking the documents. And then went to the second stage, with a record on video: ask the name, surname, place of work or study, date of birth, and "What are you doing here? '.
One they said they are looking for draft dodgers from military service, and the second tells it narkoreyd - supposedly they had received a signal that we've got a bag of marijuana where the. Several people were taken - in the camera, apparently. At least three of them withdrew.
The club members were in the Special Forces for forty or fifty minutes. A output stood after - about an hour. Were rude and swore a lot. Oldest of them then came up to me personally, and asked the name calling, "You?" - "Yes, I am." - "With you, we'll talk later."
What caused such an interest in the event of the LGBT community on the part of law enforcement - is unclear. But the incident in Vitebsk - not the first in a series of similar ones. Eve of similar events happened in Minsk. There, in the night from Friday to Saturday in the club «6A», which took place in a gay party, the police also raided...