On May 4, a search was carried out in the apartment of Dubroŭna activist of the United Civil Party Mikhail Chemurako, a laptop and a computer system unit were seized. Simultaneously, the second brigade, consisting of two local employees and one of Viciebsk in civilian clothes, described the property in the house where the activist's mother lives. A woman, a disabled person of the 2nd group, was under pressure, she was called an ambulance.
Mikhail Chemurako said that on May 4, three people came to the apartment where he lives with his family: a policeman in uniform Sergei Puchkov, a member of the local police department in civilian clothes Vitaly Khodikov and another man in civilian clothes from Viciebsk. With them there were two more people unknown to the owners, whom the employees brought with them and presented as witnesses.
Mikhail was shown a document, from which it follows that the search is made in connection with the conduct of criminal proceedings under Art. 188, part 2 and art. 369 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus. They said that the verification of the application of the Dubrovnik prosecutor Poteev about insulting him by Mikhail Chemurako in the "Odnoklassniki" network was being conducted.
Employees of the bodies seized the laptop and computer system unit. And the laptop contains all the information necessary for Michael for work, including contracts with contractors, an electronic signature to the bank account – Mikhail is an individual entrepreneur and conducts economic activities. He informed the staff about this, but he was not allowed to take necessary information.
Michael also warned employees that the owner of the laptop is his mother, but this also did not stop them.
The employees drafted a seizure protocol, but they took it with them, leaving neither owners with a copy of it, nor any other document that they were here at all and took something.
Mikhail recorded them on video, in particular – how they compile the poll protocol and the seizure protocol.
Employees said that the owners have no right to shoot. When Mikhail and his wife did not agree with this, the Viciebsk civil servant clarified: "You shoot about me. If this information is laid out somewhere, in some network, then there may be consequences. I warned you ... "
Simultaneously – just at the same moment – the search began in the house where the activist's mother lives. An elderly woman was at home alone. She jumped pressure, she does not remember anything that was withdrawn, nor what she signed. According to her daughter, who came later, the pensioner literally shook after the stress and humiliation suffered. According to her, the comers dug in all her personal things, even in pasta (!). She is an invalid of the 2nd group, she has three cancer operations, diabetes, cataract, aortic stenosis, she can not worry! The pressure did not decrease even after a triple dose of drugs, so that her daughter had to call her for an ambulance.
In her house there were local employees Mashukov and Stambronik, also strengthened by the third – Viciebsk in civilian clothes. Apparently, the reason for this was that her son Michael was officially registered here. In addition to the search, they also, from the words of their mother, conducted an inventory of the property in the house.
From the words of the officers who conducted his search, Mikhail realized that this was the result of publications in his account in Odnoklassniki, in which he allegedly inflicts insults to local officials.
In what insults were expressed, Michael and his wife do not understand. They only know that all their problems with the police – when they were detained on March 25 and Michael was held for 7 hours in the ROVD, so that they could not get to Minsk for a permitted (!) Celebration of Freedom Day; when, after that, his wife Lyudmila was hinted to her that she could no longer work normally in extra-departmental security, and she had to write a statement on the agreement of the parties; when on the statement of Mikhail Chemurako about the breaking of their cars the police wrote that "there is no crime" – all this began after Michael began to show political and civic activity in the network. He was an observer from the UCP at local elections, published photos of the broken roads of the Dubrovensky district with the question of where citizens' taxes go, notes about the destruction of the enterprises of the district, in particular dairy-commodity complexes, photo facts of violations of traffic rules by traffic policemen, video from the ships over political activists ...
On Saturday, May 5, Lyudmila Chemurako visited the ROVD and entered her application (she is the owner of the seized system unit) and the statement of the mother, the owner of the laptop. They appealed to the head of the ROVD to be provided with a copy of the deed of equipment. At the same time, they were told at the ROVD that the seized equipment was in Viciebsk.
