On November 8, Andrei Sidyuk, 39, the administrator of the housing and communal service "Połacak Housing and Utilities", who is also a deputy of the Połacak District Council, terminated the contract for damaging circumstances.
In June, Połacak's housing and communal services director was suspended from office: he and the head of the marketing department of the enterprise were suspected of exceeding their official powers and instituted criminal proceedings.
The checkup of the municipal unitary enterprise "Housing and communal services in Połacak" was carried out by the Połacak interdistrict committee of state control in conjunction with the NovoPołacak interdistrict department of the department of the Financial Investigation Department of the KGC in the Vitebsk region. They found the facts of excessive spending of the enterprise's funds with violation of legislation and internal acts in the purchase of fuel chips and building materials, in total 607,400 rubles were repaid.
In addition, as the inspection showed, during the construction of the memorial complex "Urochische Peski" in Połacak, housing and utilities were allowed to receive poorly executed work and use of uncertified building materials, and jobs were accepted that were not actually performed. As a result, the cost of building this memorial was overestimated by 57,000 rubles.
For these violations against the director of the housing and communal services of Połacak, Andrei Sidyuk, a criminal case has been initiated and is being investigated under part 3 of Article 426 of the Criminal Code – exceeding authority or official authority.
After reviewing the results of this audit at the board of the State Control Committee of the region, the chairman of the Połacak District Executive Committee issued an order on November 8 to terminate the contract with Mr. Sidiuk for the damaging circumstances stipulated in subparagraph 6.2 of Decree No. 5 "On Strengthening Requirements for Leading Personnel and Employees of Organizations" – another gross violation by the head of the enterprise of labor obligations, expressed in the failure to ensure compliance with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus on procurement, which resulted in excessive expenditure s cash businesses and damage.
In addition, officials who did not ensure proper control over the Połacak housing and communal services were brought to disciplinary responsibility. Measures have also been taken to form a commission for the purchase of housing and communal services in Połacak for the purpose of carrying out purchases at the expense of its own funds from the number of employees with special knowledge in this area and ensuring its operation in accordance with the requirements of the law, the press service of the KGC informs.
Syarzhuk Serabro, news.vitebsk.cc
Photo: L34.news