The request to the UCP activists in Miory received a refusal, the picket "Stop hazing in the army and the country!" Was not allowed by the authorities. They explained this by the absence of contracts with the police, doctors and housing and communal services.
In addition, Deputy Chairman of the District Executive Committee on Social Affairs Tatyana Olegovich Stalmachyonok told the UCP activist Sergei Vasilyev that they cannot request a picket in the center of the city on the Square of the Fallen Fighters, although all official holidays and events are held there.
And non-state events in Miory can be held only in two places – on the peninsula and at the stadium.
With regard to the agreement with the police, which the district authorities require for the picket, Sergey Vasiliev spoke with the head of the Miory district police department, Lieutenant-Colonel Potapenko. According to him, this agreement should be concluded not even with the local police, but with the Vitebsk, and the prices – from 17 rubles per hour per person and also depend on the title of "guardians".