The economic decline in Viciebsk continues. In January-August 2017, only two regions of the country – Viciebsk and Mahiloŭ – the gross regional product (GRP) continued the decline, which dragged on in the Belarusian regions for two years. GRP began to grow in four other regions of Belarus.
The best in economic growth was the Minsk region: plus 6.7% of GRP for January-August. Others showed smaller growth: Brest – by 2.7%, Hrodna – by 1.1%, Homiel – by 1.3%, while in Minsk GRP increased by 1.9%. In Viciebsk region, GRP fell by 1.4%, in Mahiloŭ – by 1.1%.
The gross domestic product of Belarus in January-August increased by 1.6%, before that in 2016 fell by 2.6%.
Belarusian authorities expect GDP growth of 1.7% for 2017. International structures predict the economic downturn for 2017: the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development – by 0.5%, the IMF – by 0.8%, and the World Bank – by 1%.
In 2018, the government of Belarus has an optimistic and conservative scenario for the economy, but even the conservative is quite optimistic by international standards.
According to svaboda.org