Visitors to the site Westki.info, publishing news northern Belarus and Vilnius, were able to ask their questions to Tatiana Karatkevich. Communication took place in the form of an online conference. At an enlarged meeting of the Political Committee of the Party of the BPF with regional leaders of the party decided to support Mrs Karatkevich as a candidate for the presidency in 2015.
Jazep 2015/04/08 – 21:59
Do you want to become a candidate. Not fear?
Tatiana Karatkevich 2015/04/13 – 16:46
Not fear. Participation in elections – a legitimate form of political participation. Should be so: if you act according to the law, there is nothing to fear. I during his campaign to break the law is not going to. My goal – to achieve peaceful change.
alex2 2015/04/09 – 17:57
How do you feel about the decision and Nyaklyayeu Milinkevich not to participate in the "elections"? Why these "elections" are involved you?
Tatiana Karatkevich 2015/04/13 – 16:46
And Nekliaev Vladimir and Alexander Milinkevich – heavyweight politicians, and each of them would be a strong candidate. They decided not to participate in the elections as candidates. And explain the reasons for that decision – I have nothing to add to this.
As for me, I do not care what is happening in our country. I trust the idea of peaceful change through the conduct of a popular referendum, the implementation of which we are engaged in the last 2 years. 120,000, sign up for popular referendum, have every right and should have the election of their candidate.
Ivan Sergeyevich 2015/04/09 – 19:23
Do you hope to win?
Tatiana Karatkevich 2015/04/13 – 16:47
For protocols Yermoshina, of course, I can not vouch, but to enlist the support of society, to achieve holding a popular referendum and begin peaceful change – yes. In such a victory, I believe.
Margarita 2015/04/09 – 21:01
Who is your ideal in politics? What is the last book you read?
Tatiana Karatkevich 2015/04/13 – 16:49
For me, the ideal policy, these are the citizens of Belarus, which in the present circumstances are not afraid to express their opinion, achieve change for the better and are ready for this act. Such Belarusians I admire and respect them immensely. From our past I like most Sapieha and Minsk Head of the late 19th century. Jan Karol Czapski.
Andrew Moyseyonok 2015/04/10 – 16:38
Tell me whose Crimea – and I'll tell you who you are
Tatiana Karatkevich 2015/04/13 – 16:50
I am for the territorial integrity of any country, including Ukraine.
Maxim 2015/04/13 – 8:42
If you were president, what would be your first decision? You would immediately have deprived themselves of the royal authority, which is now endowed with Lukashenko, or would use them for rapid reform?
Tatiana Karatkevich 2015/04/13 – 16:52
My first decision – to appoint a new government that will immediately reform. There should also be representatives of business, and those who now qualitatively doing his job in the government, and those who left the country and succeeded abroad. We'll call them back.
We will solve the challenge how to bring freedom to our economy while maintaining social protection for people.
And do it without the need to "royal" authority.
Believe that we need to increase both the competence and responsibility of the government, parliament, local authorities.
Alla 2015/04/13 – 8:45
Tatiana, you consider yourself a feminist?
Tatiana Karatkevich 2015/04/13 – 16:51
I believe that the potential of every individual, regardless of gender, should be employed. In the state should be created all conditions for the realization of the potential of each.
Have the same problem, which is necessary to speak at the state level. For example – pay. Today, the woman behind the performance of the same work as a man, receives an average of 30% less. If we talk about equality, it is necessary to begin with in order to get him in this matter.
Nadziralnik 2015/04/13 – 10:25
Once Nekliaev made his loud statement, GP began attacking from all sides. How do you feel about this? And that, in particular, the answer to such a cast, saying that the SE has been useless "Lavochne" and "road" little thing that is not a policy, and its imitation, secure employment and, in fact, help "bloody" regime?
Tatiana Karatkevich 2015/04/13 – 16:54
From the beginning of the "Tell the Truth" was formed to represent the interests of the people. It does not matter that they touch, from government issues to social and domestic, we call them "benches". Our approach is simple: if the citizens learn to unite to change something in his backyard, and will demand accountability from local authorities, the changes will take place at the national level.
To help it? All of us who live in Belarus. And he wants to live with dignity.
Max Payne 2015/04/13 – 10:28
Tatiana, please tell us what you practice political ideology.
And how do you feel about the death penalty.
Tatiana Karatkevich 2015/04/13 – 16:55
My ideal: an honest economy, decent social protection.
I am sure that is possible to combine economic freedom and the creation of conditions for doing business and decent social support to those who need it.
We need to understand, access to education and medicine – it's not a handout from the government to its citizens. This is the most profitable investment in the future of the country.
Today Belarus is the only country in Europe where the death penalty is still in effect. And this is not a reason for pride and a reason for a change – abolition of the death penalty.
Kudrya 2015/04/13 – 10:33
Tatiana that for you in the first place: a) for policy; b) for university teachers; c) as a woman?
Tatiana Karatkevich 2015/04/13 – 17:05
a) to represent the interests of people
b) to see the success of their students in the "adult" life
c) my son
Zhystachayshy tuneyadzets 2015/04/13 – 12:09
How do you feel about the recent law on parasites? Whether he will give fruit?
Tatiana Karatkevich 2015/04/13 – 16:56
In Belarus today, a lot of people who are called freelancers, ie a person who does not have a permanent job, and he makes a profit from orders that appear. I'm sure if these people have offered to pay a fixed amount per year, they would agree, why should they insult the word "parasite". And unemployment must be fought not by looking into his pocket full of holes citizens, and with the help of new opportunities for the various initiatives and reducing the share of government in the economy.
Kalhoznik 2015/04/13 – 12:12
That your team proposes to make in the field of agriculture?
Tatiana Karatkevich 2015/04/13 – 17:12
Nha interfere and help those who are willing to work in this field and do business. Agricultural reform will take place in the context of the overall economic reform.
I have already answered that the main thing here – to give people work freely. Contribute to the development of each initiative.
Tatiana 2015/04/13 – 14:12
Tatiana, are you going to offer his candidacy for the presidency of the DPP?
Tatiana Karatkevich 2015/04/13 – 17:07
Tomorrow we will have a regional council telling the truth. There we will decide how we will work on. No matter what the leadership of our organization, I'm sure, the goal of our work will remain the same – peaceful change.
Isolde 2015/04/13 – 14:16
In his comments about leaving politics VP Nyaklyayeu you wrote – "life is life" .... What do you mean by these words? Thank you
Tatiana Karatkevich 2015/04/13 – 17:00
I regret that Nyaklyayeu retired from big politics. Under his leadership, for 5 years, we have created a team of "Tell the Truth", which is able to work effectively to achieve the goal, a team of associates who are ready to act in any, even the most difficult conditions.
Debate, controversy, clashes of different points of view – are normal in democratic politics.
Isolde 2015/04/13 – 14:23
What do you think, how will affect further the activities of the campaign "People's Referendum" departure from big politics Nyaklyaeu and disagreement about the leaders of the Congress?
Tatiana Karatkevich 2015/04/13 – 17:01
Yes, that's life. Tell the truth will continue to pursue its activities. Vladimir Prokofievich will continue his literary and social activities. Staying for me as a teacher and moral authority.
Tatiana Karatkevich 2015/04/13 – 17:11
We implement the strategy of "People's referendum" for 2 years, it brings together local elections, presidential and parliamentary. We will continue to follow this this way.
According to westki.info