40 constituencies Polotsk District Commission registered 46 initiative groups to collect signatures in support of candidates. As usual, it's directors of local organizations and businesses. But there are also ordinary citizens who had not nominated MPs. Now there is a collection of signatures of Polotsk.
How to tell one of polochanok Svetlana who wished to become a deputy Polotsk District Council, mostly citizens without any problems for the nomination signed by its deputy. Collecting signatures passes residence by bypassing apartments. Svetlana has already collected more than 80 signatures, and to nominate a deputy enough 75. But it is still going to continue to collect signatures to get around as much as possible in her home constituency. Svetlana engaged in social activities since last year, when the inhabitants of Polotsk were actively protected from logging old square near the train station. She and her friend even went on this issue at a meeting with Governor Alexander Kosinets. Trees in the park managed to defend citizens.
The election campaign goes almost unnoticed by Polotsk, pickets until nobody spent. But in Polotsk Election Commission received oral complaints from employees of JSC "Polotsk- Fiberglass". Workers complain that the company administration officials during offer them to subscribe for nomination company director Nicholas Kochanowski. It complained of the seventh working shop. Heard similar complaints from workers and weaving shop number 9: they are forced to sign for their boss shop Lyudmila Gridiushko.
Alexander Morozov, dyjalog.info