Viciebsk human rights activists received a letter from political prisoner twentieth Zhamchuzhny. In its political prisoners showed their attitude to the past elections and spoke about the conditions of detention in prisons of the country.
Mikhail I. considers that the procedure for the selection of deputies was held in accordance with the legislation in force with a known result. According to political prisoners, only those people caught in the Parliament, which have potential for corruption, and what they are good for the current political regime and state securities of faithfully serving him.
He regretted that earlier naively believed that it is possible to engage in human rights activities in Belarus - to protect the rights of prisoners, and work as a parliamentarian will only interfere with the case. Now he has revised his attitude to politics and firmly believe that only with a change in the existing policy of the state can be changed and the living conditions of the people who are serving a criminal sentence.
Zhamchuzhny political prisoner tells his fellow defenders that during the period of the Viciebsk regional pre-trial detention he was subjected to cruel, inhuman towards him on the part of the institution's employees. According to him, in the detention center used various illegal methods of interrogation, which helped the investigators to obtain the necessary information for the disclosure of criminal offenses.
However, Mikhail I. looks at the past with a healthy optimism and believes that the time of the beginning of the 2000s passed, and now in Viciebsk jail all investigations are conducted under the Criminal Procedure Act.
On the health and state of mind of Zhamchuzhny does not complain. He regrets only that according to the verdict deprived 90% of the pension and all movable property. Nevertheless prisoner IR №14 involved in sports, and believes that in prison he will not stay long.