Truly Shakespearean passions boiled February 7 meeting of the Viciebsk Regional Council of the Belarusian Social Democratic Party (Hramada). It seemed that his delegates are in the last fight. Verbal altercation escalated to such an extent that it seemed a little more and it comes to manhandling. How then told the participants of events in their memory this has not happened.
There is a fair question: what was the basis for the undisguised confrontation? Everything is simple. Next month will be held the next Party Congress. And it is no secret that the new leader election promise to develop into a fascinating battle.
The fact that, according to about half of the members of the party, its current leader, Irina Veshtard, during his leadership did not cope with the work. Moreover, the most radical opposition members believe that it planned action aimed at the collapse of the party. And the upcoming election will nominate its leader – the head of the Brest regional organization of Igor Maslovski. Accordingly, their opponents again going to put on Veshtard. In this regard, it does not rule out the possibility that one voice could be decisive. A meeting of the Viciebsk just elect delegates to the forthcoming Congress.
Here and inflamed passions. Some participants of the event is presented each other accusations of impropriety, a lie, a multiparty system, the invalidity of the protocols of the primary organizations which nominated delegates to this meeting, etc.
As a result, recognized invalid protocol Pastavy cell as one of the participants of the meeting, which was held last week, entered on the scoresheet, in fact, for seven years there is no longer alive. The chairman of the meeting, as it turned out, is not only "Hramada", but also in the BCD and BPF. In the end, three delegates from Pastavy were deprived of the right to vote.
Thus, the faction in favor of Igor Maslovski won a majority and thus brought to the Congress delegates, who will vote in support of it.
Eugene Parchynski,