In Połacak court considered the case for reinstatement of sellers of "PołacakStroyMaterialy". At the hearing it became clear that the director Andrei Zhuk installed hidden cameras in the store, "Horizon", and secretly watched the work of sellers.
After a week of tracking the work of cashiers by using a hidden camera was held sudden inventory revealed a small shortage, about three million rubles ($ 150). The store retailers showed a video made secretly and asked to write explanations. As a result, four seller were suspended without pay for six weeks, after which they were laid off due to loss of confidence. Store clerks say that hidden video surveillance was conducted illegally and did not prove their guilt.
All laid-off sellers are women. Two of them went to court to recognize the illegal removal of their work and restore the payment of wages for forced absence and moral damage.
At the first court hearing in the presence of sellers prosecutor told how unannounced inventory. The shop was called all the employees who were in the day scheduled for the weekend. The administration ordered that the sellers have left their handbags, clothes and mobile phones in the principal's office, and prohibited to use the phone for the duration of testing. The inventory and the subsequent dismantling lasted from 9:00 to 22:00 – thirteen hours without a break for lunch and dinner.
Unplanned inventory and secret video revealed the usual minor violations of cash discipline when small change small change is not stored in the cash register. Sellers explained that a large number of small denominations to fit into an old cash register, and so it was easier to give a fine delivery to customers. Also found that the store employees were taking goods into debt to pay. To do this, we conducted a special notebook, where the recorded items taken from the store employees to pay his daily salary. In this book it was written not only sellers, but also head of the shop, who knew about such a common practice. Even the name of the store manager, Mr. Zhuk, also appeared in a notebook – it took more than two years ago, a radio telephone, for that is not settled to this time. During all of this inventory in the store phone lists the products present.
The director of "PołacakStroyMaterialy" written on his statement to the police employees with a video app, but the police department curled the no-sellers crime. Then, on January 6, the director dismissed sellers. Before firing workers wrote a complaint to the prosecutor's office and other state agencies to establish the illegality of the director of CCTV, checking the allegations still held. In Belarus, there is a precedent, when the director of confectionery factory "Slodych" was sentenced to three years in prison for the illegal establishment of special technical means intended for secret information.
Representative of "PołacakStroyMaterialy" in court Tomasheva Counsel Tatiana does not deny the presence of hidden cameras in the store, established at the direction of the Director. She said: "On the CCTV has classified the store". However, a lawyer could not specify exactly where the store is classified to the public about the surveillance. In the words of vendors and visitors to shop, such a declaration on the trading floor and on the doors of the store was not. However, the next day after the first session of the court there was an ad in the store – on the shelf near the cash trading. But the discovery of the camcorder in the store is not visible, it can be assumed that it is hidden in the fire detector on the ceiling of the trading floor.
The next hearing on this case is scheduled for February 2.
Alexander Morozov