As part of the monitoring of the conditions of detention and treatment of detainees and administrative detainees in the detention centers visited by the human rights activist Pavel Levinau ITT Chief of ATC Viciebsk administration police colonel Andrei Nikolaevich Morozov.
Turning to the chief of detention center, a human rights activist wanted to get information about the actual conditions in the temporary detention center and police department of the Viciebsk Oblast Executive Committee according to their legislation.
"For all questions regarding the place of administrative detainees and administrative detainees and their conditions of detention Chief ITT replied: "No comment!" To the question: How can you explain that a person who visited the detention center, indicate the violation of their rights, the head of the IVS said stipulate "– said Pavel Levinau.
During the visit the head of the institution handed defender IVS brochures with the text of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and international human rights standards pertaining to law enforcement (pocket book on human rights for law enforcement personnel).
It is worth noting that this is not the first time that human rights did not receive answers to their questions:
"I wrote to the heads of ITT at the Internal Affairs of the Viciebsk Oblast Executive Committee, detention centers at ATS of Biešankovičy district, ATS of Šumilina district, ATS of Šarkoŭščyna district, ATS of Čašniki district, ATS of Ušačy district, ATS of Tałačyn district, ATS of Sianno district, ATS of Pastavy district, ATS of Vorša district, ATS of Miory district, ATS of Dokšycy district, ATS of Haradok district, ATS of Hłybokaje district, ATS of Vierniadźvinsk district, ATS of Brasłaŭ district, ATS of Lepiel district and the Centre for the detention of Navapołacak city police department. In their complaints, I requested information on domestic security detention center and the administrative handling of detained persons.
No response from one police station is essentially done. Most police chief told me that the requested information related to the performance of restricted information and cannot be given to me. Head of the Center for Isolation of Delinquents Navapołacak GOVD generally ignored the request for information "– said human rights activist.
Pavel Levinau also sent an appeal to the Prosecutor's Office of Viciebsk region in order to find out the date of the last prosecutor's check for compliance with the rights and freedoms of administrative detention and administrative arrested persons held in detention centers.
"All public prosecutors, as well as the police, citing the secrecy of the information requested. Thus, to obtain information from state bodies, exercising their right guaranteed by art. 34 of the Constitution and para. 2 of art. 19 International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, it is impossible," – says human rights activist.