Vitebsk defender Paul Levinov arranged an awareness campaign for all prosecutors in the Vitebsk region of the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment.
For six weeks, he met with 25 prosecutors, two others sent the materials in the mail.
Human rights activist left the prosecutor as informational materials concluding observations on Belarus of the UN Committee against Torture, adopted at the 47th session of the Committee.
The document expresses concern about the violation of the rights of detainees, torture and ill-treatment and impunity and the lack of prompt and impartial investigation of torture in Belarus. Our country is a party to the Convention against Torture and the 47th session of the UN, held last year, a report is submitted. True, he was made a 9 years late. At the same session, the alternative report was made public Belarusian human rights defenders. The Committee invited the Republic of Belarus to the next report on the situation of torture in the country to 25 November 2012.
" Unfortunately , the prosecutors found, I would say, Dr th torment ICQ to questions b zheniyah rights - said Paul Levinov reporters at a press conference dedicated to the results of the campaign. - District Prosecutor Rossony to pass b a 30-minute conversation did not understand me. Attorney Polotsk talked about the prosecution is the guardian of human rights protection, and how prosecutors recently upheld the right of a citizen ... the water, after he cut off her. The prosecutor of the Vitebsk region during the meeting did not say a word ... "
Only one of the 27 prosecutors, according Lyavinau, was what is called in the subject - is the acting prosecutor Senno district.
Unfortunately , prosecutors revealed dr th torment ICQ to questions b zheniyah right ...
Prosecutors main reaction to the problem, which was trying to bring a human rights activist, was this: in our district does not.Why not? Because there are no complaints of citizens ...
"I tried to explain that there are no appeals, the fact that you do not know the facts, it does not mean that they are not.People are afraid to complain about the law on enforcement. B ayatstsa revenge. And the other - just n e are aware that they have such a right, and not realize that it is violated, " - said the defender.
The last step in this "Walking on the prosecutors' was visiting defenders September 4 Vitebsk oblast prosecutor Gennady Dysko . Conversation with Dysko lasted about 40 minutes and even once turned into a debate.
"I went to the meeting with hope, but it turned out that the regional prosecutor b or reasons as well as his subordinates. He speaks of RB and does not understand what is right. I tried to explain that the international treaties ratified by the Republic of Belarus, v is the norm of the current legislation. But it turns out we have for prosecutors everything below the Constitution is being followed, and the Constitution and international treaties - is something amorphous ... " - his impressions Levin.
He showed the regional prosecutor media publications on violations of the UN Convention on Torture. In particular, how in 2009 Pervomaisky district police officers tortured young boys accused of the murder (by their admission in court, thrust them into his mouth pistols) and acquitted in 2011. By the way, the prosecutor's inquiry into the use of illegal methods ROVD lasted longer than a year.
Levinov reminded Dysko sensational case of medical Drobysha: police-executioners-were still in jail, but ilzhesvedki still at large. The human rights activist also reminded the prosecutor to apply to the regional prosecutor Vitsebsk activist Helen Semenchukova, which point to the facts of her torture and inhuman treatment in Vitebsk ITT. Treatment eventually lowered to the Chief of police ...
At the end, Levinov expressed hope that the regional prosecutor's office is able to organize proper monitoring of human rights in this area.
"Maybe all of this information will make them think about the problem and still get to take measures" - summed up the human rights activist, promising future , "informed v Does the information that's in the same way to each country's public prosecutor. "
According to Paul Lyavinau, Belarus - the only country in the world where not provided responsible for torture and ill-treatment by law enforcement officials.