February 17 Economic Court of the Vitebsk region in connection with the application for bankruptcy on Vitebsk JSC "KIM" appointed interim manager. For an entity applies a protective period.
"Naftan" gets rid of social objects, which remained in the ownership of the company. The city has already passed the last two kindergartens, on the order of "Leninist", nine dormitories, polimirovskaya clinic and much more.
Salaries of employees of February 1, 77 companies have not paid the Vitebsk region, according to the National Statistics Committee. Among the debtors to employees - of "Classic fashion industry", JSC "Banner of industrialization", combine silk plant "Evistar" enterprise computing and information science (Vitebsk), Haradok flax, the company "Sweet Country" (Orsha), JSC "Kuptsov "(Glubokoe), a number of agricultural enterprises in the areas of the region.
At the Novopolotsk refinery "Naftan" do not plan to raise staff salaries at least the next six months. This was announced by company CEO Vladimir Tretyakov, answering questions from the factory workers.
Employment services Vitebsk region noted an increase in the flow of citizens who want to create a queue for employment against the background of a declared combat parasitism. This was reported by deputy chairman of the Committee on Labor, Employment and Social Protection Executive Committee - Head of pensions Natalia Chval before the final board committee.
At the enterprises of Polotsk region cut spending on social benefits, start delay in payment of wages. At JSC "Polotsk-Fiberglass" January 19 in connection with the difficult financial situation halve the costs for cultural and sports events for employees, suspended payment of social benefits.
Правоохранительные органы выявили в 2014 году 13 преступлений коррупционной и экономической направленности, в том числе 7 преступлений, связанных со злоупотреблением властью или служебными полномочиями, 2 хищения путем злоупотребления служебными полномочиями и 4 факта нарушения правил о сделках с драгоценными металлами и камнями, сообщила старший помощник прокурора района Ирина Тарасевич.
Activities Vitebsk stores trading network "Rodnaya Storona" resumed from January 16. Trade in four of the eight stores Vitebsk "Rodnaya Storona" was suspended on January 7 as a result of unplanned thematic operational checks. "In these shopping sites have been identified as a major breach in the failure of the assortment list and sale of goods that have expired," - said Head of Trade Inspection in the Vitebsk region Inna Belko.
No longer know what to do - sigh farm workers in the village Lazhani that Gorodok district, Vitebsk region. The farm is owned by JSC "Gorodokski rayagropromsnab" - is agricultural enterprise that is engaged in the production of milk and meat cattle.
In Chashniki privatization price of the apartment exceed the actual 2-fold. As the prosecutor in charge of supervising the execution of laws and legality of legal acts of the Prosecutor's Office of Vitebsk region Marina Ryzhova, overestimation of the value found during the inspection.