About a hundred residents of Viciebsk came to the meeting with representatives of the Executive Committee, scheduled for 13 October. The meeting took place near the playground in the park of Partisan Glory, fenced for the construction of St. Sophia Cathedral.
Haradok district replenished with one more attraction. Not so long ago near the village Laškova-Siało was another unique discovery – found boulder that once upon a time brought here the glacier.
Połacak rock musicians have responded to the disaster and held a charity concert. Their performance was held in the restaurant "Roskvіt" which has become a cultural venue.
Viciebsk Regional Executive Committee, which on September 27 a copy of the collective letter to Alexander Lukashenka protection of Partisan glory in the park was transferred, sent Viciebsk human rights activist Leanid Svetsik who first signed the appeal, notice that in essence it will be considered the city's executive committee.
Legal grounds for banning the transfer or the construction of St. Sophia Cathedral in Viciebsk, which is planned to be built in the park down the street Chekhov, on the other platform there. This is stated in the reply head of the department of architecture and town-planning of Viciebsk city executive committee Andrei Makeyev coordinator of the organizing committee of the Belarusian Christian Democracy Party in the Viciebsk region Tatiana Sevyarynets.
The second lecture free public courses "Viciebsk: the real and popular history of his native city", as was announced, was dedicated to Princess Olga. Viciebsk historians have expressed comments on the reasonable period of occurrence of the local tradition of Olga, the possible role of this person in the history of Viciebsk, the probable date of foundation of the city and historical sources that can be trusted.
Known Viciebsk ethnographer Nikolai Pivavar began raising funds for the publication of the directory "50 museums of Viciebsk". Cost of the book is 8 rubles, and publishing can help everyone "Beehive" through crowdfunding site.
Presentation of the anthology of Belarusian philosophy "code presence" in the city on the Dźvina concluded "Belarusian Week of thinking". The book was presented to the public Viciebsk Vladimir Mackievicz, who is a member of the editorial board.
In Vorša Site of ancient castle, the territory which is a protected historic area, construction work began. As it became known, the Ministry of Emergency Situations is the reconstruction of the fire station. The building is part of the fire before the war, it can be clearly seen in the photographs of Vorša made during the German occupation.