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Paul Levinau has achieved for the warning to chairman of the election commission

Vitebsk Prosecutor's Office announced an official warning to Vitebsk Regional Chairman Election Commission. At the request of the prosecutor's office of human rights activist have inspected and found a violation of election legislation by the chairman of the Vitebsk oblast election commission Homa DL, " in connection with what was announced last warning about violating the law ." Paul Levinau himself accredited observers in again and continues to monitor the work of the Electoral Commission...

A group of citizens has met all requirements of the law , and put forward a representative of the BHC in Vitebsk Paul Levinau as an observer at the Vitebsk city territorial election commission. Human rights activist first accredited as an observer ( 27 December 2013 ) , and then stripped of accreditation ( December 30) . The fact that one of the people signed up for Lyavinau while in the hospital . The Commission considered invalid signature , although a citizen later confirmed in writing that puts personal signature.

Paul Levinau disagreed with this decision and began to appeal to January 4, he filed a complaint to the Vitebsk regional election commission .

Electoral Code of the country specified maximum period of consideration of - ten days. So Lyavinau complaint had to be considered no later than January 13. But the meeting on a complaint of human rights defender was convened and held Chairman of the Vitebsk Oblast Election Commission Homa DL until 14 January 2014.

Levinau decided that such a breach of the law can not be left unattended and asked the prosecutor to apply to Homa LD prosecutorial response measures for violation of the existing electoral legislation.

Belarusian Helsinki Committee