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Haradok activist expected a runaround from the Prosecutor General's Office within 5 weeks

Leonid Gorovoy, an activist of the Movement "For Freedom", in five weeks was told no arguments and arguments from the General Prosecutor's Office to the complaint about the illegal actions of Lydia Yermoshina, chairman of the Central Election Commission.

In the complaint, he wrote that he was denied the right to watch Gagarin station and the Central Election Commission did not consider it against the decision of the district election commission № 21 on the merits ... The answer to the complaint sent to the Prosecutor General by 28 September, Mr Gorovoy received on November 3.

In the application to the illegal actions of the Movement activist Lidia Yermoshina reported that his complaints to the Central Election Commission on September 23, has been considered in violation of the Belarusian legislation.

Indeed, on September 23, Leonid Gorovoy first turned against the decision of the rural district of Vitebsk commission number 21 on the complaint on its removal from the site by Peter Gagarin Prasolov.

However Vitsebsk rural commission № 21 showed "paranormal" abilities and the complaint filed on September 20, had to consider a day earlier - on 19 September. CEC also went through petty legal action: initial complaint observer Gorovoy qualified as second appeal and stop the correspondence.

It took more than a month Grigory Shostak, the Acting Head of the Department for Supervision over the execution of laws and legality of legal acts of the General Prosecutor's Office to write a reply without any argument and evidence. While Gregory Shostak confused about the action which the Commission Leonid Gorovoy complained to the CEC. Perhaps Mr. Shostak knows exactly what the higher commission, respectively electoral law, can complain to the decision of a lower commission - District, and wrote that the activist had complained to the CEC to address the PEC polling station № 36.

In this case, the Prosecutor General Officer in no way justified the answer given to the CEC Chairman in accordance with Belarusian legislation on citizens, and ignored all the arguments and arguments activist.

In fact, in a situation where all the parent organizations when considering complaints on illegal Leonid Gorovoy vydvarenie Gagarin with his plot number 36 did not see them on the merits, it seems absurd unsubscribe or violate laws. And this is the testimony of bureaucratic interests priority over the general state.