More than 60 people came to Vitebsk to the first lesson free courses Belarusian language "Mova nanova". Were leading creators Minsk Ales Litvinovskaya courses and Gleb Lobodenko. In the capital, the courses take place in January 2014. The concept of classes is non-academic study of the Belarusian language.
Vitebsk "doctor - love of truth" believes that poor living conditions in urban hospitals humiliate people. Especially considering the fact that the "protracted" and tightened decades repairs are funded from the state budget, but by and large - through taxation of the same patients. He therefore proposes to collect similar fotodokazatelstva and make them public.
According to the schedule the phased shutdown of analog television broadcasting in the territory of Vitebsk region from June 1, 2014 cease broadcasting analog TV programs state "STV" (41 frequency channel), "NTV-Belarus" (26 frequency channel), "Belarus-2" (31 frequency channel) with radio and television transmitting station (RTPS) in Vitebsk.
Mother of the political prisoner Olinevich Igor, who is serving a prison sentence in Novopolotsk, spoke about the failed attempts to start training his son in the colony: "Immediately he tried to work on a specialty, which is close to his education, and he ended radio. But it did not take on any. And last year, took a vocational school to tailor, but a month later suspended from school. I know that he had applied to study at the tailor, but again did not take."
Poor quality food and low professional training does not allow the Vitebsk region to achieve good economic performance in livestock. This was stated in Vitebsk Minister of Agriculture and Food Leonid Hare ( pictured), which is May 23 participated in the regional seminar on fodder.
Belarusian Railways and DAT "Latvian Railway" signed an agreement on cooperation in the field of electrification direction Polotsk - Daugavpils (Dzvinsk). According to the press center of Belarusian Railways, the main objectives of the document are to improve environmental safety and competitiveness of rail transport, the development of infrastructure in border areas in this area.
Proposal for the establishment in Vitebsk or social rental apartment building for refugees with equal financial participation of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees ( UNHCR) and local authorities will be considered at the level of international organizations, the deputy chief of the Employment Committee on Labor, Employment and Social Protection Vitebsk Regional Executive Committee Lyudmila Zaitseva. Willingness to consider such an option assistance to forced migrants voiced UNHCR Representative in Belarus Jean-Yves Bouchard.
In ancient Polotsk from 23 to 25 May, a festival of medieval culture "Rubon". The event was held at the walls of St. Sophia Cathedral, entrance to the festival cost $3.00 in Belarusian equivalent. The main events of the festival took place on Saturday: tournaments, contests, concerts, theatrical performances. On Sunday, the last day of celebrations, people around Sofiika was quite a bit: was hot, and many hid in the shadow.
In Vitebsk region have not yet fully resolved the issue with catching stray animals in settlements. Spetsavtobaza Vitebsk, which carries it, is not able to satisfy all requests due to lack of contracts directly with village councils. It turns out that the owners are not responsible for those whom they have tamed and home maintenance and other services.
Vitebsk resident Alexander Cholad addressed to the chairman of the Supreme Court Valentina Sukala complaint. In his address, the Chief Judge Chill reports of arbitrary leaving the country without considering the deputy chairman of the Supreme Andrei Zabara and first deputy chairman of the Supreme Alexander Fedortsova its supervisory appeals to a court of Vitebsk Railway and asks to restore his constitutional right of access to court.