More than 50 officers of the Vitebsk region held liable for improper work with citizens, said senior assistant prosecutor of the region to oversee the implementation of the legislation on citizens Irina Tavtyn.
In the first half of 2014 the prosecutor's office conducted at enterprises, institutions and organizations of the region 37 checks the implementation of legislation on citizens. According to their results made 43 representations made 14 prescriptions. Administrative proceedings brought 10 officers, disciplinary - 44 official warning about the inadmissibility of violations of the law got 22 heads.
In sight of the prosecutor's office are always questions about the organization of work with citizens and legal persons in the regional, city and district executive committees and their structural divisions. In January-June, inspections were conducted in Novolukoml executive committee, Orsha (together with the representative of the State Control Committee of the Vitebsk region), Beshenkovichi, Gorodok, Lepel, Polotsk, Postav, Rossony, Chashniki executive committee, Ushachy, Slavnovski, Volkovichy rural executive committees.
During the test administration Housing Vitebsk Regional Executive Committee identified the failure of consideration of appeals, provided the article 17 of the Law "On citizens and legal persons." Without verification activities for more than 15 days to consider the complaint on charges of housing quota. Moreover, there have been cases of misinterpretation order of appeal.
Analysis of the supervisory activities indicated that not all heads of business entities shall take effective measures to improve the work with citizens, which implies that sound management to regulatory authorities. So, found serious violations in the course of the prosecutor's office of the district Gluboksky check on a collective complaint of inadequate resolution of Housing and Communal Services Administration Gluboksky district and district executive committee of written applications. When the scan head of the department of housing and communal services of the District Executive Committee and the Director of Housing and Communal Services disciplined.