In Vitebsk region external receivables are growing

The State Control Committee notes the growth of foreign receivables in the Vitebsk region. As of July 1 , it was 5.838 trillion rubles. In Vitebsk region called the SCC and digital confirmation of this fact . From the beginning, accounts receivable increased by 6.4 %. Overdue foreign receivables increased by 20.8 % ( 77.2 billion rubles). The greatest increase in overdue debt - 52.9% admitted organizations republican subordination.

One of the main reasons for the increase - a violation of entities timing of export proceeds and import of goods.

In 2013, the violation of the order of foreign trade operations identified by the Committee of State Control in 10 legal entities. Just out of time on export operations received 71.5 million Russian rubles, 170,200 euros and 10 thousand dollars is not ensured receipt of currency in the amount of 13.1 million Russian rubles and 8,000 dollars. With the excess of the terms of supply of goods for imports of 3.2 million Russian rubles.

Individual companies have not taken steps to recover the debt for goods shipped for export products, goods are shipped at buyer's stock of arrears on previously committed shipments . The period of time for completion of certain excess foreign trade comes up to three years.

Thus , the debt reported in the Russian Federation subjects TPS LLC "M- Knight" and LLC "S- Knight" before the founder - of " Hero" for products shipped totaled 8.5 million Russian rubles, and in excess of the timing of foreign trade to 636 days received 56.7 million Russian rubles. In this case, shipment of products was carried out in the presence of arrears specified subjects TPS .

Since the beginning of 2013 to the administrative responsibility for violation of terms of foreign trade operations involved in 15 legal entities with a penalty on the total amount of 5,273,500,000 rubles.


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