With Eugene Gutsalava will charge 300 000 rubles for a "service" detention center

Vitebsk BCD activist and observer at the recent elections Eugene Gutsalav served seven days in jail for organizing an unauthorized rally . And now he has to pay more for the "services" of Vitebsk detention center. The cost of prison "service" - 50 thousand per day.

Recall that the seven days of arrest conferred Gutsalavu Judge October district of VitebskInna Grabovskaya . The judge took into account the fact that at that time Gutsalav did not work, and to pay a large fine could not.

"Now, I do not know, why did the judge awarded me Grabovskaya day, when, and for them to pay. Three hundred thousand - for the food, stay, etc. Where to get the money - do not know yet " , - says Evgeny Gutsalav told the "dialogue."

According to him, for the content of the IVS must pay each prisoner. The duty of the hanging "price list", which informs you that one day of costs 50 rubles.

Dialogue: - Since the IVS is probably a good "service" and belasnezhnaya underwear? ..

Eugene Gutsalav: - Well, you can not call sheets. The mattresses are printing of 2000. Look terrible! In general, the conditions are terrible. The bunk with wooden two-story, on which day of rest is prohibited. Just sit. Read nothing but some old police newspaper, which did not even touch it desires. And sailed to the door - six steps. I went back and forth from six in the morning. With me in the same room sat another Russian-departant.

- And what was fed?

- Well, cereals and so-called burgers. The impression is that those cutlets was only one bread. The policemen said that the food brought us out of the restaurant "White Russia", which is located in the Executive Committee.

- Well, when out of "White Russia", it is understandable. Campaign for a boycott in the guise of Lukashenko - whose idea was that?

- It was my own idea. Ordinary creativity, creative action, not more.  

- You picketed in the center of town where a lot of cameras. May not have been so substituted?

- In fact, I knew what I was going, I knew that I was caught, prepared for 15 days. Just so wanted to attract more people to boycott. To see that was a response. It is clear, on the surveillance camera in the center of Vitebsk I knew.

- On election day, you're still in the detention center. Boycotted?

- Yes. All occurred in the guard unit. Chief of the detention center told everyone that today the election and to vote. I said that according to the Constitution have the right to boycott the vote, and therefore I will not. That's all. To me no one pressed.

- And how do you evaluate the election?

- This is not an election, this is - a farce.


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