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Vitebsk TBM members collect money for subscriptions to independent newspapers for libraries

Vitebsk Lenin Regional Library supposedly to save this year ceased to write "Nasza Niva", "Narodnaja Vola" and "BelGazeta". TBM Council proposed to raise money and give the library subscribe to these editions. Fundraiser held at a town meeting society. The initiative to raise money and subscribe to the gift by the chairman of the regional council TBM Joseph Navumchyk. Offer support and supporters of the native language, and journalists - members of the Belarusian Association of Journalists.

According Navumchyk, present at the meeting, together donated about 300 thousand rubles. With this money, it is already possible to write or all three editions of the second quarter, or two out of three - six months. But fundraising continues until the end of this week, the amount should be increased.

Library Director Alexander explains Siomkin unsubscribe austerity measures , saying that the budget is not enough funding. However, reporters found that in 2014 the Regional Library has written more items of various publications in comparison with 2013 year. Therefore, a more likely explanation seems the library staff, who in private conversations with readers refer to the special order of the ideology of work, culture and youth affairs Vitebsk Regional Executive Committee.

Radio Liberty
Photo: Dialogue