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In the center of Orsha destroyed beautiful spruce

Blue spruce cut at the root in the heart of Orsha. Orshantsy horror notice changes in the appearance of children's art school № 1 on Lenin Street . Large trees that are more than one year were , in fact, an integral part of the music school cut down at the root.

Destruction of green spaces throughout Orsha " triumph " is becoming a large scale . Apparently, the current leadership of the city history, ecology and aesthetic component simply means empty words. Importance , perhaps, only the further introduction of a two-storey building in the streets and Lenin Peace small offices and shops with typical steps , paid toilet on the former site of the private sector in the street of Minsk and search for mop ice palace .

Christmas trees, which pleased the eye for many years, were now worthless . Excuses that ate eclipsed sun for young musicians , artists and their teachers do not pass - lots of windows on the facade of the school building are not made on the cabinets , so Christmas trees obscured mainly cloakroom, lounge and stairs .

Earlier blue spruce killed in Orsha near building trust number 18 on the street Tolstoy.