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A young father from Novopolotsk died after being beaten by police

The story began in December 2011 . Many lived in preparation for Christmas and the New Year. And the fact that a young man in a drunken state in hospital , no one was not a surprise . 27 -year-old Oleg Timofeev Sunday evening went to meet a friend . Drank. But he returned home in the morning. Beaten . ' Cops beat " - explained to parents . And at night he was taken to hospital and underwent surgery . At the hospital, he died.

A blunt trauma

"I was at work when the son came home in the morning - says the father of the victim Viktor Timofeev . - The elevator did not work, and he barely got up to the eighth floor , as he said. In the evening, asking what happened. Details were not told . He said that he would not drink more , but they will not forgive . I ask: Who hit you? Says that patrol and cops . "

Oleg night was bad. "When " fast " asked about injuries received , called chest injury - it was hard to breathe , genitals - go to the toilet and could not stomach sick ." From the house of Oleg was taken to the hospital where the operation after two weeks spent unconscious. And he died .

" Blunt abdominal trauma , bruised chest " - was diagnosed at the hospital. When carried out the operation , the damage was severe : rupture of the mesentery of the ileum with a separation from her gut and breaks the ileum with necrosis of its parts , the gap of the greater omentum .

" Guts twisted snake , they fan out from a single point are nerves and blood vessels. This is the mesentery - explains the medical terms the doctor of one of the capital's hospitals. - If there was a rupture of the mesentery and the gut break - so it was bleeding into the abdominal cavity and got cal. It's 100 % peritonitis . The later took on the operating table - the less chance of survival . If there were areas of necrosis , it is already too late. Even if the survivors would be - would be invalid without the guts . "

The cause of death was peritonitis and (inflammation of the peritoneum ) .

Kicked, hands...

When her son was taken to the hospital , Victor made ??a statement to police. Launched an investigation . The very same interview Oleg did not succeed : the day after the operation fell into a coma and died on the first day of the New Year, without regaining consciousness . The criminal case was never brought .

According to materials testing , it's simple , though not entirely clear. December 11, 2011 Oleg allegedly drank half a bottle of vodka. On the street decided to pull the wheel in a police car . And when he saw the patrol took to their heels .

On the way, Oleg fell twice on the stomach . When he was caught , he began to fight and mothers. In order to calm his three hit with a truncheon on his right thigh . Was taken to the drunk tank , made ??reports for disorderly conduct , the emergence of a drunk in a public place , insubordination . In the morning, the police questioned and released. Moreover, the decree stated that Oleg anything complained of stomach is not kept .

That's where things get strange . At 8:05 Timofeev was in the militia, and in an hour was at home . Being beaten . Went to bed . At night, it took the "fast" . When taken to the hospital , said the paramedic on the circumstances : kicked , hands , baton in the department last night.

Unanswered questions

The hospital made a conclusion that Oleg was injured about a day before admission to hospital. If "fast" took it in the morning, it turns out that he got hit in the stomach while in detention or already in the drunk tank . Punch , which became the cause of death . But who paid ?

Paramedic sobering evidence that Timofeev had an average degree of intoxication . Although the use of breath-testing , he refused, but agreed to do a set of exercises and give yourself a visit.

On the left thigh - V- like scratch the back of the knee , scratches on his right temple and jaw. The abdomen was soft, not swollen , signs of internal organ involvement was not revealed. Pulse and blood pressure were normal. Twice he threw up - there was no blood .

" How much it took away from the drunk tank ? There are videos , he was brought there at night , but there's no way took away the morning - says Oleg's father . - I was in the drunk tank and saw the log file: retired - ostensibly 9:30 am. But fixed: either 7:30 , or 8:30 am. And I can not figure out who escorted . Who was the protocol from its disposal - do not know. In the duty of the allegedly took away his investigative team that went to the city and which was ordered to bring Oleg . But the people from that group questioned after only six months . And they say they do not remember , out of town about it or not. "

"In the drunk tank to beat him , I think they could not. On the road - is possible. To beat out a confession that he took his wheel, could - expresses his assumptions Victor. - Or is it taken away at night to morning drove . And so there is no video of his presence in the morning in the drunk tank . Just set the time of disposal . Such an option , I think it is possible. He was taken and pressed . "

The record featured the recognition of Oleg , he took his wheel. The father thinks his son was forced to sign .

The experts was ignored

Seem to be two possible options. Or the guy really beat at night and in the morning the police did not pay attention to it . Or on the way home , an hour with him something might have happened . Of course, a lot of time to fight not required. And most can run into some brick . But would he lie to his parents that police beat him ?

Experts have identified the time and the subject of injury : blunt hard object about one day before admission to hospital. Apply it to her himself . But she " could not be formed as a result of the fall in the plane or in the circumstances described by police ," as they say in the conclusion of the examination.

However, the investigator ignored the document . " It is not known how and in what time period Timofeev was injured , who spent the time before his arrest , which institutions visited. Timofeev could get injured and under other circumstances , and not in detention by police , "- he decided.

"How not defined the time when the experts of his time and identified ? " - Outraged father of the deceased.

As for falling down the stairs and flower beds , then only five months after the death of Oleg new examination concluded that the fall could be formed bruised left shin and bruises left hand , which had been on the body Timofeev. The time when he fell and slightly scratched , possibly to coincide with the time of injury abdomen.

But experts could not determine , could be applied to abdominal trauma falling on a rock . The reason - lack of materials test data on its specific location. It turns out, found the stone taken away from the scene , but not captured in what place he was lying .

"I think that any man, when will fall, not collapse flat - it will fall on your hands or roll over on his shoulder. You can hit the sternum, but do not believe that we can stomach , "- says the father of the deceased.

To find guilty

"I'm not saying that beat patrol specifically those which he was taken . There is a fact of injury . I ask to find out who beat "- said Viktor Timofeev .

When picked up Oleg , it's seen his friend. He claims that Oleg allegedly heard a whistle from the wheel of the car. Went over to see , and when the police came . Timofeev ran, each standing on the sidelines. Victor explains such an act son because he had a beer since , afraid to get into detox .

"The protocol is present in the other survey materials. But the investigator as to raise the question ? " You saw how he was beaten ? " - " No". And should ask if he was healthy before his arrest . " "The circumstances of the injury Timofeev by the police do not find their confirmation , disputed the police " - ruled the investigator .

Viktor Timofeev is preparing a new complaint. He achieves that still brought a criminal case . To define the circumstances in which the son was mortally injured. Because while it is not clear so far and will continue to be concerns about the fairness .

Nasza Niva