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Sergei Parsyukevich again threw problems Vitebsk officials

Coordinator of the campaign "Tell the Truth" in Vitebsk Sergei Parsyukevich filed today in Vitebsk city executive committee and the city council four collective treatment of citizens with persistent requests for solving urgent problems.

Recall that in late August, the district committee Sergei Parsyukevich not registered as a candidate, zabrakavavshy signatures. Now he introduced the acting member of the City Council and City Council officials collective petitions, signed by 600 Vitebsk residents. These signatures - not zbrakuesh.

As recognized by Sergei issues in question in the collective appeals were first voiced by people just in time for the campaign to collect signatures for nomination as a candidate.

In the appeals filed by people asking "representatives of the people" to repair the access road leading from the Moscow Avenue to house number 61 building 4 on Pravda Street in Vitebsk, to deal with the unfortunate situation which turned out to house number 103 on the street, building 1 Lazo and the nearest of it to public transport. Also, ask to fix the road that leads from the Avenue Ludnikov to house number 22 Bldg. 3 Frunze Avenue .


Stairway to nowhere ...

The same house for one more problem. To go from the house to the "Medical University" on Frunze Avenue, have to climb a long enough ladder. But the climb up is problematic. And in the winter - and at risk for life. Going down - even more so.

This ladder is not repaired, perhaps, from the Soviet Union. And there were no lights old. But after numerous letters and complaints from residents who regularly sent to various authorities, built new stairs - wide, with a lantern, set out "fashionable" tiles. But ...

But the paradox is that it is beautiful, in fact, going nowhere, so few people enjoy it. People continue to overcome the old staircase. No handrails or ramps. From the stories of people, not every six months older people break her arm and ribs.

According to the new stairs almost no one goes ...

Pensioner who carefully descended the stairs of the old two-string bags in hand, told this writer that the area that is popularly known as "well" and that the problem with the stairs really hot potato:

"There are a lot of people are falling. And the light away. Dark. Lighting only one new staircase. How to write, speak - only the party repaired. But there is very seldom go. All - for this. I myself lodged here, hip hit, month then could not walk ... "

Grandpa was sure that all future elections to remain in the "hole" the same. "What MPs? No one to vote no " - shared his despair retired and looked hopefully to the representative of "Tell the Truth."

 And before the elections all remain in the "hole" is still...

In turn, Sergei Parsyukevich admitted to "Dialogue": "Actually, I think I'm doing duties of a Member of the local council. And we have a lot of work because the MPs is not moving. And to return to them is useless. But we back. And paradoxically, for the most part, they do not help us, but only oppose " .

He claims that the collective applications provide all the same benefits. Officials have claimed a place to go and meet with subscribers. Authorities have to respond.